Del. Dave Englin and Sen. George Barker introduced legislation to create the statewide Advance Health Care Directive Registry in 2008. With EVA's strong support, this bill passed the General Assembly almost unanimously before being signed by the Governor. The bill mandated creation of a state database where all Virginians can upload their Advance Health Care Directives in order to make them accessible to hospital administrators if the patient is incapacitated or does not have the paper copies readily available.
The Registry will help ensure that health care providers will have easy access to the documents that make a patient’s health care wishes known, avoiding conflicts that can arise among and between loved ones when such documents are not in the hands of those providing treatment. The Registry law was effective on July 1, 2008, and the process for defining regulations and procedures for implementing this new online database has been moving along since then.
At a recent meeting, the companies engaged to create the Registry made a presentation outlining how the Registry will work and announced that the registry will be “live” for individuals on February 17, 2010, institutions on March 17, 2010 and will be fully operational by this year’s National Health Care Decisions Day on April 16, 2010.
The temporary state regulations can be found here as extended here. As soon as final regulations and a website address are available, I will post updated information.
As it is now after April 16th, 2010, do you know if the Registry is actually live, and if so, do you know of a URL where citizens can upload a PDF?
Unfortunately, the system STILL is not operational. I will do an update post once it is finally on line.
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