Thoughts on Life, Love, Politics, Hypocrisy and Coming Out in Mid-Life
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Supporters Continuing to Lose Faith in Obama

Judicial Bigotry - A Poison That Needs to End

Conservatives Mull Future after ELCA Lifts Gay Ban

Friday, August 21, 2009
End of the Line?

I cannot say how much blogging has meant to me since I seriously started this blog in April, 2007, and how much I have valued the friendships I have developed around the world. As for the boyfriend, my children and my family, I have left them all letters expressing my love and regret for things I might have done differently. If I cause them pain, I apologize and hope that one day they will understand. I especially apologize to my daughter Victoria, who has been so loyal and supportive of me, and the boyfriend without whom I would likely taken my life long before now.
I hope that LGBT activist will keep up the good fight and that future generations will not be burdened with the hate, discrimination and abuse that some of us have known. I will leave the boyfriend the log-in information for this blog if I decide on the "permanent solution" so that he can continue the blog if he is so inclined. He is a sweetheart and I love him so much.
Arizona Pastor's Sermon Calls for Execution of Gays, Barney Frank and Barack Obama

"Our country is run by faggots. You know who was the man who was the architect of the bailout? His name is Barney Frank, he is a pedophile..." "That's who just sold our country into fascism. That's who just sold our corporations to the government. That's who sold out our country, a faggot!"
Jeremy Hooper at Good as You also has some relevant commentary on "Rev." Anderson:
If you think this is bad, you should read some of his essays. The following is one of my favorite quotes so far: "If music without drums, syncopation, or a rock beat is acceptable music, then “Yesterday” by the Beatles would be suitable for a Christian. This song has no drums, syncopation, or rock n roll beat – so what’s wrong with it? It doesn’t talk about drugs, illicit behavior, or violence – so what’s wrong with it? What’s wrong with it is the source. It was written by God-hating communist devils. Rock n roll music was pioneered by ungodly sinners like Little Richard, a sodomite filthy animal, and Ray Charles, a heroin addict." I had no idea the Beatles were "God-hating Communist devils." I'll have to listen for Lenin references when I play Rubber Soul again. And I have to say, the Little Richard description is utterly charming.
Oh, and as a side note... it shouldn't be surprising that this man has no formal education or seminary training. He believes that Bible college is evil--that's in another essay. How convenient!
Pastor Anderson is a whack job to say the least and increasingly represents the mentality of what's left of the GOP. The more people like Anderson get exposure, the more people there will be flee from the GOP.
ELCA Assembly Opens Ministry to Partnered Gays and Lesbians

ELCA Churchwide Assembly - 4th Update

1. Step one asks the assembly whether, in principle, this church is committed to finding ways to allow congregations that choose to do so to recognize, support and hold publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships.
2. Step two asks the assembly whether, in principle, this church is committed to finding a way for people in such publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as professional leaders of this church.
3. Step three asks this church whether, in the future implementation of these commitments, it will make decisions so that all in this church bear the burdens of the other, and respect the bound consciences of all.
Divorce Wars - Another Battle and the Role of Counsel

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Anti-Gay Conservatives: An Odd Silence on the Supposed Damage Gay Marriage Will Cause

1. In gay-marriage states, a large minority people committed to traditional notions of marriage will feel afraid to speak up for their views, lest they be punished in some way.
Support for the idea "the ideal for a child is a married mother and father" will decline.
Health Care Reform as A Moral/Religious Imperative

Healing is central to all our religious traditions. It is at the heart of the vocation of people of faith. The stories of Jesus healing people in the Gospels, of restoring people to physical wholeness and full participation in their community, always signaled the Kingdom of God.
Is Obama Tough Enough? Perhaps Not

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
ELCA Churchwide Assembly - 3rd Update

"I am very proud of this church," the Rev. Rebecca S. Larson, executive director, ELCA Church in Society, said at the news conference. "It is a time of diminished joy," she said. "We know there is suffering all around on this issue."
A Conservative’s Road to Same-Sex Marriage Advocacy

Even so, Mr. Olson’s involvement stands out. As one of the leading Supreme Court advocates of his generation, he commands wide respect in the legal community, and his views carry considerable weight with the justices, according to Steven G. Calabresi, a law professor at Northwestern University and a leader with Mr. Olson in the Federalist Society, a hothouse for conservative legal theory. “While some will think that this is an unpardonable error and rethink their views on Ted,” Mr. Calabresi said, “I think it will cause others to take a second look at the argument he is making.”
The second is the court’s 6-3 decision in Lawrence v. Texas, striking down laws criminalizing sodomy in 2003. Not only did the majority find that Texas had no rational basis to intrude into private sexual behavior protected by the Constitution’s due process clause, it also declared that gay men and lesbians should be free to enter into relationships in their homes and “still retain their dignity.”
ELCA Churchwide Assembly - 2nd Update

Ted Olson’s Supreme Court Adventure

Is it sensible for gay rights advocates to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to recognize, in the next few years, a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage?
If the question is “Should the Supreme Court strike down the cruel and discriminatory exclusion of committed same-sex couples from marriage, an exclusion that serves no legitimate government interest?,” the answer is yes — and as soon as possible for couples who are doing the work of marriage in their day-to-day lives and who share an equal need for the protections and responsibilities marriage brings.
So in that sense, the question, “Is this the right time?” is no longer pertinent. The more important question is, “How can we assure that when a case reaches the Supreme Court, the court is ready to do right?”
Local Story on Rise of Hate Groups
A new study indicates the election of the first black president has spurred hate-groups within the U.S.It suggests hate groups are stronger than ever - up more than 50 percent since 2000. Doctor Lou Lombardo at ODU is an expert on criminology and cycles of hate."You have an African American president, you just had a Hispanic supreme court justice…We also have a sense of the policies that might be coming, and I think that's fuel for a lot of people.
"One thing violence does is that it provides a collective identity. Not a positive one, but it appeals to - 'I'm not the other person, I'm not the Jew, I'm not the Hispanic, I'm not the gay person, I'm not Catholic... I'm better." The groups are growing and also doing more traveling. The white supremacists that vandalized a Norfolk synagogue were based in Oregon. Those newsletters in Isle of Wight, printed in Missouri. But how about hate groups here?So far intelligence groups link at least 30-known hate groups to North Carolina, with another 26 in Virginia, including an underground skin-head group out of Virginia Beach.