Republicans in New York's state Senate who crossed party lines to legalize gay marriage in the state have seen sharp increases in their campaign coffers, leading conservative activists to allege their votes were bought.
State Sen. Mark Grisanti of Buffalo, for instance, amassed just $30,000 from May 1 to June 24, the day same-sex marriage was approved. But in the two-and-a-half weeks after his vote, Grisanti reported receiving $73,000 in contributions – including huge donations from high-profile gay rights supporters like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Tim Gill, who is based in Colorado.
For State Sen. Roy McDonald, whose districts include Rensselaer and Saratoga counties, the weeks following his vote proved even more lucrative. After receiving $31,000 in the two months preceding the vote, McDonald garnered approximately $90,000 in just 17 days, more than doubling his total haul for all of 2011, according to Bill Mahoney, legislative operations and research coordinator for the New York Public Interest Research Group.
Three of the four Republican supporters of gay marriage denied multiple requests for comment on the spikes. But conservatives were quick to decry the flood of donations. . . . . some right-wing Republicans vowed that the senators would pay for their votes at the ballot box.
"We understand that the gay money, particularly in New York, is a bit overwhelming; however, the base of the Republican Party is going to have something to say," said Connie Mackey, president of the political action committee for the Family Research Council, a coalition of Christian conservatives.
The fact these senators are being threatened with primary challenges, due to their vote on one issue, raises a broader question: How open are Republicans to divergent views? Alesi said the GOP would make a grave mistake by setting up primaries for one's vote on the gay marriage issues alone.
Kevin Nix, director of communications for the Human Rights Campaign, said opponents of marriage equality were "trying to tarnish the courageous position" of the senators. "How is doing what the majority of the people want you to do any less than democracy in action?
Whether or not the Chrsitianists - and that includes the Catholic Church hierarchy - like it or not, they are going to be on the losing side of history and one can only hope that very soon they will be viewed as little different that George Wallace did when he stood in the school house door and and ranted about "segregation today, segregation forever." The Christianists will be the cause of the death of Chrristianity yet. And my thoughts should Christianity die (at least the Christianists version of it)? Good riddance. Far too many lives have been lost or ruined because of this pestilence like sourge that seems to have hate and intolerance as its only fruit.