The latest example of Obama's on again off again betrayals of LGBT Americans is the reported decision by the Department of Justice - you know, that office that operates under Obama's appointee, the Attorney General - is moving to file a request that the 9th Circuit reconsider its ruling that reinstated the world wide ban on enforcement of DADT. Obviously, the ban could easily have been allowed to remained in place until the supposed legislative repeal of DADT is finally completed. Not that I even trust Obama at this point not to betray LGBT Americans on that process somehow. Given the current make up of the U. S. Supreme Court with gay haters like Scalia, Thomas, Roberts and Alito on the Court, if DOJ's games ultimately take the case before that court, there is no guarantee that the 9th Circuit ruling would be upheld. WTF is Obama doing? Does he think these games will make the GOP base hate him less? Here are highlights from the Log Cabin Republicans on this unfortunate development:
The Obama Department of Justice is filing an emergency motion with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals pleading with the court to reconsider its order vacating the stay. The Ninth Circuit last week removed a stay against the worldwide injunction awarded in Log Cabin Republicans v. United States, effectively halting ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’
“This latest maneuver by the President continues a pattern of doublespeak that all Americans should find troubling. All this does is further confuse the situation for our men and women in uniform,” said R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director, combat veteran and captain in the United States Army Reserve. “Let me be clear – the president is asking the court for the power to continue threatening servicemembers with investigation and discharge, and the right to turn away qualified Americans from military service for no reason other than their sexual orientation. Even if the administration never uses that power, it is still wrong, and the Ninth Circuit was clear that there is no justification for continuing the violation of servicemembers’ constitutional rights.
"The motion that the government filed today has no other purpose than to request - on an emergency basis - that the military be permitted to investigate and discharge servicemembers, and block new enlistments, based solely on those individuals' sexuality,” said Dan Woods, partner of White & Case and lead attorney in Log Cabin Republicans v. United States. “The government's request is inexplicable on any other basis."
As I have noted before, I would welcome a primary challenge to the "Follower in Chief" whose main attribute is double talk and the total lack of a spine. I fear that he's setting the up Democrats at the national level for a reprise of what happened in Virginia in 2009.
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