Kenny Golden, a former local Republican Party head (at left), is running as an Independent for the Virginia 2
nd Congressional District seat currently held by Democrat, Glenn Nye.
Vivian Paige, a Democrat blogger, did a video interview with Golden recently which Golden is now trying to use to depict himself in part as "gay friendly." This is apparently part of Golden's effort to advertise himself as an "independent candidate charting a new course for America." At first glance, the Paige interview gets one's attention - especially when compared to the GOP nominee, Scott
Rigell who is an ultra-far right
Christianist and Ken
Cuccinelli want to be. In response to an unsolicited e-mail from Golden's campaign office, I posed a few further questions on his position on LGBT rights. While more acceptable than
Rigell's position - he'd basically like to reimpose the sodomy statutes and re-criminalize being gay - Golden's response to me make it clear that Golden's "new course" still leaves LGBT citizens with an inferior form of citizenship. Here are highlights from Golden's e-mail responses back to me:
I have a gay brother I love very much so I support Civil Unions but not Gay marriage. If that is your hot button issue, I ain't your guy. I told him if he needed a best man for a civil union, I would be there. If he called it marriage, I would not attend.
On "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" I supported the measure instituted by President Clinton for all the years I was a Commander of Sailors. I still do, with some additional caveats, no third party notifications, ever. For the record I discharged 5 people for homosexual activities, three of who I knew weren't gay but simply wanted to gain a discharge and go home from the command in Sasebo, Japan. They subsequently asked for and received updated Honorable Discharges from the VA after three years. Don't ask Don't tell has allowed Gay American to serve in all the services with distinction and will continue if not overturned. I don't approve of openly gay people expressing their sexual preferences in our military. I don't do it, and never have why should anyone else. Unit cohesion is a delicate balance of working relations that already has enough morays to deal with, we don't need another more pervasive one.
You and I both know if DADT is repealed there will be those that do flaunt, it's a fact of life. On the religious bit, don't buy it, some people don't like me because I'm white, 6'2" and a dumb jock. I get over it and we both move on, religion may be some folks problem but some people just don't like gays, religion, choice or otherwise, but they have to serve with them anyway DADT made that happen. Killing Third party notification gets rid of that temptation.
On the marriage piece, same rights for gay couples with civil unions as all couples enjoy period. It's the right thing to do and I also believe in gay adoption. Watch the rights go nuts on that!!!!!
I pointed out that 1,000+ plus state and federal rights/benefits arise off of the word "marriage," so no matter what Golden says, civil unions for same sex couples would still be separate and unequal. If the choice was just between Golden and Rigell, Golden would obviously be the far better - and far less scary - choice. However, Glenn Nye has voted for DADT repeal, been a co-sponsor of ENDA and voted for the Hate Crimes bill. While I have not yet flushed Nye out on his views on gay marriage, his position on DADT repeal alone makes him the best choice of the options available.