Thoughts on Life, Love, Politics, Hypocrisy and Coming Out in Mid-Life
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Christian Right Continues to Disseminate Paul Cameron's Discredited Lies

I never expected to find out that “Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do” is not only still in print, but widely, and I do mean widely used and quoted. . . . His “research” and “facts” are still being told over and over and used as proof by other “Christian family” groups and churches . . .
A further simple google search for only 2010 lead me to a vast number of sites and organizations that post, quote, link and publish in full Mr. Cameron’s work and deem it as scholarly and scientific. These groups include: pro-family groups in multitudes of countries, ProLifeBlog, The Road to Emmaus, countless churches in many denominations in the US and worldwide, Aryan Nation/White Supremacist groups, people running for political offices in the US, Life & Liberty Ministries, BibleBelievers.com, and American Family Association, The Family Research Council, the Illinois Family Association, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, Concerned Women for America and Coral Ridge Ministries.
[I]t is extremely important to bust these myths wide open. Here at home, in places like Uganda and in places where Mr. Cameron has and is spreading his poison. As you read it, remember, this is being presented as scientific fact today.
The tract is broken down into sections:
•Oral sex and the “fact” that almost all homosexuals “verge on consuming raw human blood”. Delightful, Paul.
•Rectal sex with carrots, bottles and even gerbils. Yup, gerbils. I even heard Mr. Cameron say it in a talk in a 2010 video.
•Fecal sex. Hey, did you know that 80% of gays “admit” to ingesting “medically significant accounts
•The medical consequences of homosexual sex and the effects on lifespan. Did you know less than 2% of gay men make it to “old age”? And they are 116 times more likely to be murdered and 18 times more likely to die in car accidents. Could I possibly make this stuff up?
•The “gay legacy” of AIDS will destroy most gay people.
•The “biological swap meet” of saliva, urine, feces, blood across country borders will be exported by this “drunken and high” uber-traveling population.
•Watch out for “the pattern of infection” of not only HIV/AIDS, but scarlet fever too (which, by the way, is not a sexually transmitted disease.)
•“Genuine compassion” must be shown to this group of people who are “troubled people engaging in dangerous activities”.
This is dangerous stuff. This divides families and churches, this alienates people, this kills others, this poisons the minds of those that think they are “protecting the family”. This is utter deception and demonization and completely non-Christian.
Un-Christian is an understatement. Cameron and those who peddle his trash as "science" are despicable hate merchants. They make a very strong argument for walking away from Christianity if they now embody what it represents. I'm 100% with Anne Rice on that point.
Berlusconi Sex Scandal Embarrassing for Vatican

Berlusconi's stands against euthanasia, living wills, in-vitro fertilization and domestic partnerships have put his country in line with Catholic teaching, and out of sync with all other major countries in the region, including traditionally Catholic Spain. His government has also granted large financial subsidies to Catholic schools, and expanded tax breaks for church-owned businesses.
Yet in Berlusconi's increasingly public personal life, the billionaire businessman-turned-politician is not exactly a model of Catholic values. After months of ever more graphic reports of wild parties and sex with young women, including several alleged prostitutes, a judge on Tuesday (Feb. 15) ruled that Berlusconi must face trial on April 6 on charges of paying for sex with a minor and obstruction of justice.
Catholic bishops have several strong reasons to refrain from openly criticizing Berlusconi now. The most obvious is that the church needs the cooperation of his center-right government to pursue its legislative agenda.
Another factor inhibiting Italian church leaders in the Berlusconi matter, Franco said, may be last year's controversies over clergy sex abuse in several European and Latin American countries, which undermined the church's moral authority in the eyes of many critics.
Still, the pressure on church leaders to break with the prime minister may grow too strong to resist. An anti-Berlusconi demonstration by hundreds of thousands of Italian women on Sunday (Feb. 13) won the endorsement of the editor of the Italian bishops' official newspaper; one of the most prominent speakers at the rally in Rome was a 70-year-old nun who is also an activist against sex trafficking.
Berlusconi bears a striking resemblance to the American GOP hypocrites who laud "family values" yet then commit adultery, troll for gay sex, vote for policies that undermine the finances of working families, and gay bash for politic points.
Julian Bond: Maryland Must End Marriage Discrimination

As a civil right activist, I have spent my life fighting to make ours a more just and fair society. That's why I urge the Maryland General Assembly to support marriage equality and pass the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act. I firmly believe that this is a matter of civil rights, equal protection and equality. Civil rights are positive legal prerogatives — the right to equal treatment before the law. These are rights shared by everyone; there is no one in the United States who does not — or should not — share in enjoying these rights. Discrimination is wrong no matter who the victim is. We cannot move toward full human rights protection and opportunity without confronting — and ending — homophobia. For it is homophobia that is at the root of denying the freedom to marry to gays and lesbians. As my late neighbor and friend, Coretta Scott King, said in 1998:
"Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood."
Three years ago we celebrated the 40th anniversary of a case aptly called Loving v. Virginia, which struck down anti-miscegenation laws and, many years later, allowed my wife, Pam, and me to marry in the state that declares "Virginia is for lovers." Then, as now, proponents of marriage-as-is invoked "God's plan." The trial judge who sentenced the Lovings said that when God created the races: "He placed them on separate continents. … The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix." God seems to have made room in his plan for interracial marriage. He will no doubt do the same for same-sex marriage.
Standing for the freedom to marry is about supporting all families, but I would be remiss without highlighting the impact that this inequality has on black same-sex couples, who statistically are already economically disadvantaged compared to their straight sisters and brothers. . . . The lack of marriage rights negatively affects black same-sex couples because they are also more likely to work in the public sector, relying on health insurance that is often only afforded to married couples.
Furthermore, I firmly believe that marriage strengthens communities. Allowing more couples the opportunity to marry will strengthen the communities — and families — that most need it.
The GOP's War on Unions and Fiscal Common Sense

Going back to the Planned Parenthood for a moment, the GOP tools of the Christian Right say anti-abortion Christians should not have to fund contraception and other things they oppose on religious grounds. Never mind that these same people are perfectly fine with forcing gays to pay taxes to the government yet allowing the very same government to fire gays at will because we don't subscribe to Christianist religious views. It's the Christianists who continue to demand special rights even as they say its others who are doing so. The term disingenuous liars is what best applies to these false Christians. As the New York Times notes, here's what would be killed in funding cuts and the actual INCREASED cost that will fall on society:
Planned Parenthood offers family planning, H.I.V. counseling, treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screening and other services as well as abortions, mainly to low-income women.
For every dollar spent on contraception for low-income women, the government saves four dollars in medical costs within the next year by averting unwanted pregnancies, said Ms. Cohen of the Guttmacher Institute.
That's right - it'll cost four times as much if these services go away. And that's only in terms of unwanted pregnancies. Factoring cancer prevention and other services the figure mushrooms - and that's without putting nay human cost into the equation.
On the union busting mission of the GOP and the manner in which it will hopefully backfire, here are highlights from the New York Times:
The unrest in Wisconsin this week over Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to cut the bargaining rights and benefits of public workers is spreading to other states.
Already, protests erupted in Ohio this week, where another newly elected Republican governor, John Kasich, has been seeking to take away collective bargaining rights from unions. In Tennessee, a law that would abolish collective bargaining rights for teachers passed a State Senate committee this week despite teachers’ objections. Indiana is weighing proposals to weaken unions.
The images from Wisconsin — with its protests, shutdown of some public services and missing Democratic senators, who fled the state to block a vote — evoked the Middle East more than the Midwest. The parallels raise the inevitable question: Is Wisconsin the Tunisia of collective bargaining rights?
But Wisconsin is also proving to be a catalyst for Democrats and labor leaders, as they take heart from the way thousands of workers have rallied to the cause. With the falling popularity of unions in recent years, some union leaders see the attempt to take away bargaining powers as an effort that could shift the question from whether public-sector workers are overpaid to whether they should have the right to negotiate contracts at all.
To that end, unions and Democrats are preparing their own post-Wisconsin campaigns in a number of states against what President Obama called “an assault on unions” in a television interview this week.
Planned Parenthood offers family planning, H.I.V. counseling, treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screening and other services as well as abortions, mainly to low-income women.
For every dollar spent on contraception for low-income women, the government saves four dollars in medical costs within the next year by averting unwanted pregnancies, said Ms. Cohen of the Guttmacher Institute.
That's right - it'll cost four times as much if these services go away. And that's only in terms of unwanted pregnancies. Factoring cancer prevention and other services the figure mushrooms - and that's without putting nay human cost into the equation.
On the union busting mission of the GOP and the manner in which it will hopefully backfire, here are highlights from the New York Times:
The unrest in Wisconsin this week over Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to cut the bargaining rights and benefits of public workers is spreading to other states.
Already, protests erupted in Ohio this week, where another newly elected Republican governor, John Kasich, has been seeking to take away collective bargaining rights from unions. In Tennessee, a law that would abolish collective bargaining rights for teachers passed a State Senate committee this week despite teachers’ objections. Indiana is weighing proposals to weaken unions.
The images from Wisconsin — with its protests, shutdown of some public services and missing Democratic senators, who fled the state to block a vote — evoked the Middle East more than the Midwest. The parallels raise the inevitable question: Is Wisconsin the Tunisia of collective bargaining rights?
But Wisconsin is also proving to be a catalyst for Democrats and labor leaders, as they take heart from the way thousands of workers have rallied to the cause. With the falling popularity of unions in recent years, some union leaders see the attempt to take away bargaining powers as an effort that could shift the question from whether public-sector workers are overpaid to whether they should have the right to negotiate contracts at all.
To that end, unions and Democrats are preparing their own post-Wisconsin campaigns in a number of states against what President Obama called “an assault on unions” in a television interview this week.
I shudder to think what the USA will become if the Christianists and today's GOP are not defeated. It will certainly become a country in which I will not want to live.
Will Iran Follow Egypt's Path?

Senior officers in Iran's Revolutionary Guards have written a letter to their commanding officer demanding assurances that they will not be required to open fire on anti-government demonstrators.
Following the recent violence that occurred during anti-government protests in Egypt, the officers argue that it is against the principles of Shi'ite Islamic law to use violence against their own people.
In a suggestion of a major split within the Islamic Republic's ruling hierarchy over its handling of anti-government protests, the letter has been circulated widely throughout the ranks of the Revolutionary Guards, the body responsible for defending religious system.
During the violent anti-government demonstrations that followed the disputed presidential election in June 2009, which saw President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad elected to serve a second four-year term, the government relied heavily on the Basij to suppress the protests over fears that it could not rely on certain Guards units.
But in the letter, which is signed by senior officers commanding Guards units in Tehran, Qom, Isfahan and Tabriz, they urge Major Gen Jafari to "use your authority over the Basij to order them to leave their truncheons at home next time." It goes on to state unequivocally, "We promise our people that we will not shoot nor beat our brothers who are seeking to express legitimate protest against the policies and conduct of their leader."
Western diplomats, who have also seen the letter and confirm its authenticity, say it has now been passed to Mr Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country's Supreme Ruler, although no official response has been forthcoming.
It goes without saying that I would very much like to see the current theocracy overthrown.
Why Exposing Hyprocritical "Family Values" Politicians is Necessary

I call it playing hard ball and making the personal lives of our enemies the subject of public discussion just as they do to the lives of LGBT citizens every time they pander to the Christianists, vote for anti-gay measures and engage in other conduct that helps maintain an atmosphere where homophobia is rampant and where suicide still seems the best option to far too many gay teens. Here in Virginia, "family values" Republicans have killed EVERY gay friendly measure in this year's legislative session. Many of these elected officials - while kissing the ass of Daddy Dobson's affiliate, The Family Foundation - describe gays as a menace to society, disease ridden and other truly horrible things. They have no qualms about slandering me, the boyfriend and countless other LGBT Virginians solely to win points and votes. If my life, my love and my partner and friends are going to be used as political footballs, then I say what goes around comes around and our enemies have placed a bulls eye on their own backs and made themselves targets for exposure it they aren't living the family values life they claim to worship.
This is an issue I feel very strong about and I've warned politicians in the past that there will be a price to pay for disingenuous pandering to anti-gay forces - former Congressman Ed Schrock (pictured above) being the most high profile example. For those who don't remember, Schrock had the second most anti-gay voting record in Congress yet was soliciting gay sex on the side in the Hampton Roads area. When I confronted Schrock (he called me on his cell from the House floor), his chief staffer threatened me with serious consequences, but ultimately Mike Rogers and others nailed Schrock and he dropped out of his re-election campaign. Others who are anti-gay and not living the "family values" life they claim to support deserve similar exposure. You make my life, my relationships, and my civil equality and issue for craven political gain and I WILL do my best to come after you. That message needs to be made to echo loud and clear in every state in this country.
*I repeat a statement I made the other day: anyone with any information on anti-gay politicians in Virginia that exposes them as hypocrites, adulterers, on the down low, or anything else not in accordance with their"family values" political posturing, bring it to me and, if substantiated, and I promise I will get it to those who can help expose the bastards and hopefully end their political careers.
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Importance of Straight Allies Speaking Out

I’ve been part of the team that championed for this year’s Out in the Park to be moved from Chesapeake to the more prominent Town Point Park. I will be a part of the fundraising and organization leading up to the event right up until when the night of June 5th is over.
I’ve been asked—and it’s impossible for me to not ask myself—why I care so much about this cause that doesn’t necessarily directly affect me. I’m not gay, nor am I bisexual. The simple answer would be to quote Martin Luther King Jr. and say that “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” While I do believe that, my answer is deeper, and steeped in more personal history, than that.
As a Jew, it is impossible for me not to have sympathy for another group oppressed for nothing more than the way they were born. Sympathy is nothing without action. That is one reason I’m a part of Out in the Park.
So I know something about what it’s like to be discriminated because of my sexuality, even if the ‘accusations’ were false. I know how impotent this kind of discrimination can make a person feel. How wronged. I get how confusing it can be, to know you’re a good person with a lot to give and a lot to add, but to be turned away because you didn’t fit the part they want you to play.
I want to live in a society where it literally does not matter what choices a person makes when it comes to who they love. For that kind of society to be actualized, people like me need to come out and say that physical contact with someone of your own sex is not implicitly gross. It is not wrong. It is not immoral. It’s okay, really. To some people—people I love dearly—it is how God intended them to live. That, to me, is an immutable fact.
I’m part of Out in the Park because the GLBT community needs straight allies, and I want them to know they can count on me. See, the destiny of Right is not manifest. Right must be fought for. It dies—it shrivels like a heart cut off from blood—in the absence of the fight.
For to live, one’s soul must be without fear. And oh, dear lord knows, there are far too many of our brothers and sisters who are so afraid. Our brothers and sisters in the closet live in fear, but also their oppressors, whose hatred is based on ignorance and fear of a world where their version of Manhood does not automatically plop them to the top of the social schemata.
I know that I am making my path harder in this Southern military town full of Pat Robertson and his followers. I welcome that harder path. Because hard is good. The fight is what sets us free.
Navy Chief in Anti-gay Hazing Case to Retire with Full Pay

A Navy senior chief petty officer censured over hazing and other serious abuses that allegedly took place under his leadership at a military working-dog kennel in Bahrain will retire with an honorable discharge and without a reduction in pay grade, the Navy said Thursday.
A 2007 command-level investigation, conducted after Toussaint left, documented more than 90 instances of hazing and abuse of junior personnel. Sailors told investigators that, among other things, they were hog-tied to chairs, instructed to act like dogs, ordered to simulate homosexual oral sex on tape, and forced to eat dog biscuits and get inside dirty kennels. No significant disciplinary actions resulted from that investigation.
While the statement made no mention of it, Toussaint's lawyer, Cmdr. Aaron Rugh, said the service also has decided to rescind a letter of censure - the Navy's harshest form of administrative action - that was issued against Toussaint in 2009. The Navy will replace it with a "slimmed down" letter, Rugh said.
The Navy was careful to point out that the pay grade review board was not tasked with determining Toussaint's innocence or guilt, and that its decisions are supposed to be based on the totality of a sailor's career.
It must be nice to have a career where heinous misconduct has no consequences - something most of us wouldn't know about. Indeed, one almost has to wonder whether or not Toussaint has some dirty pictures of some senior brass stashed as an "insurance policy."
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Political Outings Threatened in Indiana After GOP Super DOMA Vote

I"m sick and tired of hypocritical Hoosier legislators who think that our personal lives are any of their business. Do I intrude on who they're sleeping with? I didn't, but I'm going to start now. We need to show them that unnecessary intrusion into other people's relationships is not only unwelcome but unwarranted. We need to burn their hand so they won't touch the stove again.
[I]t's time to put out the same call I made in 2007 that helped to kill attempts to amend the constitution until now. Last time we found out that Senator Brandt Hershman, one of the sponsors of the amendment and right-to-life darling, had forced his wife to have an abortion in 1997 before he filed for divorce one week later. I also found an anti-gay legislator who was shtupping a male hairdresser while his wife died of a long-term illness.
Tell me the stories that will embarrass those conservative bigots - Democrats and Republican - that are backing a constitutional ban on our formalized relationships. Send me gossip about who's a philanderer, a kink fiend, a drug addict, a porn addict, or had a divorce, an abortion or even a stay in rehab. Ask your friends and family for the dirt. Look it up on the internet. Sniff out a lead and send it my way.
I specifically want to learn more about the alleged blowjob one of our married legislative leaders got caught receiving from a staffer in the Statehouse parking lot. I also want to know more about the single Senator who got all of his money after a rich non-related older man died and left it all to him. Rumor has it that there's a handful of legislators who are in the closet and have been spotted visiting the Unicorn Club's strippers and the gay baths. Several southern legislators supposedly have a fondness for blow.
Do you know who they are? Will you tell me? E-mail me and I'll blow the whistle.
For Virginia readers I would ask that you do the same as Bil asks be done in Indiana. Hypocrites need to be exposed and taken down. Pass whatever you may know along and I'll put it to good use.
Hampton Roads Loses General Assembly Representation

With its image of "old, slow and not too bright" image highlighted by a Brookings Institute study last year, the Hampton Roads area of Virginia is not growing at the rate of the generally more liberal and progressive regions of Northern Virginia. As a result, Hampton Roads will likely lose representation in the House of Delegates with Pauls Miller - a progressive delegate - likely to have her district targeted for dissolution. As Blue Virginia notes:
Overall, on the macro level, we see a shift in power northward to Northern Virginia exurbs. The effects of this on such diverse issues such as transportation and education funding to health care and social issues will impact state politics for years to come.
Overall, on the macro level, we see a shift in power northward to Northern Virginia exurbs. The effects of this on such diverse issues such as transportation and education funding to health care and social issues will impact state politics for years to come.
Hawaii Eyes Gay Tourism for Civil Unions Ceremonies

HONOLULU (AP) -- For years, the Rev. Fay Hovey has held romantic ceremonies on the sand for gay partners who want to pledge their love in Hawaii. The couples take photos and memories with them, but they lack a legal and binding recognition of their relationship. That will change when same-sex civil unions soon become law in the Rainbow State.
The culturally diverse islands - with their swaying palm trees, picturesque sunsets and wind-swept sands - are already a welcoming place for gay tourists, including some who seek informal partnership ceremonies.
With civil unions, those ceremonies would come with a certificate that's valid in other states with civil unions or same-sex marriage, depending on their local laws. Five states and the District of Columbia permit same-sex marriage.
Hawaii, known as one of the nation's premier locations for destination weddings and honeymoons, also will allow gay couples to get civil unions even if they don't come from states with compatible laws. This could provide a boost to the tourism-dependent islands that are trying to recover from the recession
"It will certainly drive more tourism and bring more people to us," said Michael Waddell, general manager for the Maui Sunseeker, a resort catering to gay clientele. "They come here because they can be comfortable and they can be themselves." The Maui Sunseeker is expanding from 17 to 30 rooms by the end of the year, which will help it accommodate new visitors, he said.
"We don't discriminate. We're known for having tolerance and mutual respect for all," said Mike McCartney, president for the Hawaii Tourism Authority. "Our natural beauty, people and spirit create and environment for romance."
In contrast, Virginia openly discriminates against gays and, depending what part of the state one is in, many other segments of society. The lesson to be learned? Spend your hard earned money in states that grant equalit to all and take the time to let your own state know why you're taking your dollars elsewhere.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Reminder - HRBOR Third Thursday Tomorrow

February's Third Thursday will be hosted by Kathleen Nicholas of RBC Bank (USA) at 37th and Zen Restaurant and Lounge in Norfolk.
Kathleen Nicholas Banking Center Manager RBC Bank (USA)
Kathleen Nicholas Banking Center Manager RBC Bank (USA)
Pacific Avenue Office T.
757-892-2261 F. 757-892-2265
3012 Pacific Ave Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Who: Hampton Roads Business Outreach
What: Third Thursday Business Net-working Event
Where: 37th and Zen Restaurant & Lounge
When: Thursday, February 17, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Hawaii Civil Unions Bill Awaits Governor's Signature

The Hawaii Senate took its final step in clearing the way to grant same-sex couples virtually the same rights and privileges of traditional marriage, giving approval today to a bill legalizing civil unions. Senate Bill 232 was approved by a 18-5 vote.
It now goes to Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who supports civil unions and has promised to sign the bill into law. "I have always believed that civil unions respect our diversity, protect people's privacy, and reinforce our core values of equality and aloha," Abercrombie said in a statement after the vote.
Hawaii becomes the seventh state to grant civil unions to same-sex couples without authorizing marriage itself. Five states and Washington, D.C., permit same-sex marriage.
"Today is a momentous day," said Sen. Clayton Hee. "There is no denying that by this action Hawaii takes a significant step towards true equality." Senate Bill 232 allows all couples -- same-sex and heterosexual -- to enter into a civil union, a legal status with all the rights, benefits, protections and responsibilities as traditional marriage.
Twelve states now grant their LGBT citizens some form of basic equality to all their citizens. Meanwhile backwaters like Virginia give way to religious extremists and bigotry and give their best and brightest good reason to head to more progressive states. And yet Hampton Roads wonders why it has a brain drain and a net loss of college graduates.
More Bullsh*t From William Donohue

While nearly one-in-three Americans (31%) were raised in the Catholic faith, today fewer than one-in-four (24%) describe themselves as Catholic. These losses would have been even more pronounced were it not for the offsetting impact of immigration. The Landscape Survey finds that among the foreign-born adult population, Catholics outnumber Protestants by nearly a two-to-one margin.
Major changes in the makeup of American Catholicism also loom on the horizon. Latinos, who already account for roughly one-in-three adult Catholics overall, may account for an even larger share of U.S. Catholics in the future. For while Latinos represent roughly one-in-eight U.S. Catholics age 70 and older (12%), they account for nearly half of all Catholics ages 18-29 (45%).
Commonweal similarly reported statistics that ought to have the Vatican trembling - not that the current crop of bitter old men in dresses seem to be getting the message:
[O]ne out of every three adult Americans who were raised Catholic have left the church. If these ex-Catholics were to form a single church, they would constitute the second largest church in the nation. . . . . Thomas Reese, SJ, the former editor of America, recently described this loss of one-third of those raised Catholic as “a disaster.” He added, “You wonder if the bishops have noticed.”
“Catholicism,” the Pew study found, “has lost more people to other religions or to no religion at all than any other single religious group.”
Catholics becoming unaffiliated stressed disagreement with church teachings, both general teachings and church positions on specific issues like abortion, homosexuality, and treatment of women, and to a lesser extent clerical celibacy. In open-ended questioning, they also stressed hypocrisy and other moral and spiritual failures of church leaders and fellow Catholics.
The track record is that as populations become more educated and socially assimilated, their church affiliation drops. With the Catholic Church increasingly seeing growth only in newly arrived Hispanic populations, the long term prospects are exactly the the opposite of what Donohue would have Kool-Aid drinking Catholics believe.
[O]ne out of every three adult Americans who were raised Catholic have left the church. If these ex-Catholics were to form a single church, they would constitute the second largest church in the nation. . . . . Thomas Reese, SJ, the former editor of America, recently described this loss of one-third of those raised Catholic as “a disaster.” He added, “You wonder if the bishops have noticed.”
“Catholicism,” the Pew study found, “has lost more people to other religions or to no religion at all than any other single religious group.”
Catholics becoming unaffiliated stressed disagreement with church teachings, both general teachings and church positions on specific issues like abortion, homosexuality, and treatment of women, and to a lesser extent clerical celibacy. In open-ended questioning, they also stressed hypocrisy and other moral and spiritual failures of church leaders and fellow Catholics.
The track record is that as populations become more educated and socially assimilated, their church affiliation drops. With the Catholic Church increasingly seeing growth only in newly arrived Hispanic populations, the long term prospects are exactly the the opposite of what Donohue would have Kool-Aid drinking Catholics believe.
California Supreme Court to Consider Prop 8 Question
UPDATED: Today the California Supreme Court unanimously agreed to cosider the standing issue certified to it from the 9th Circuit and oral arguments will take place sometime before September. Here are new highlights from the Los Angeles Times:
The California Supreme Court decided Wednesday to determine whether the sponsors of Proposition 8 have special authority to defend the anti-gay marriage initiative in court. The state high court, meeting in closed session, agreed to a request by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to determine the status California law gives initiative sponsors.
The court was unanimous in deciding to accept the case. The court's order set an expedited briefing schedule to permit a hearing by "as early as September." The court must rule on a case 90 days after oral argument.
Both conservative and liberal groups are expected to urge the California court to rule that backers of ballot measures have authority, or “standing,” to defend them. Such a ruling would pave the way for a 9th Circuit decision on Proposition 8’s constitutionality, which likely would go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and have national impact.
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals certified a question to the California Supreme Court to determine whether Proposition 8’s sponsors have legal authority to defend the ballot measure under California law. Under previous federal court rulings, the precedent would seem to be that the answer to the question is a firm no. Thus, unless the California Supreme Court finds a state law basis for standing, the 9th Circuit may well turn down the appeal by the private interest supporters of Proposition 8. Obviously, this blog hopes that the California Supreme court likewise finds a lack of standing. The Los Angeles Times has a story that indicates that the California Supreme Court is about to take up the question on this issue. Here are highlights:
The California Supreme Court will decide Wednesday whether to plunge back into the legal battle over same-sex marriage.
Depending on the court’s ruling, the 9th Circuit could either dismiss the Proposition 8 appeal on procedural grounds -- limiting the case’s effect to California -- or rule on federal constitutional questions that would affect same-sex marriage throughout the country.
California state officials refused to appeal the ruling. Now the 9th Circuit must determine whether Proposition 8’s sponsors, ProtectMarriage.com, have legal standing to challenge the trial court's decision.
I'll write more on this issue as facts develop.
The California Supreme Court decided Wednesday to determine whether the sponsors of Proposition 8 have special authority to defend the anti-gay marriage initiative in court. The state high court, meeting in closed session, agreed to a request by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to determine the status California law gives initiative sponsors.
The court was unanimous in deciding to accept the case. The court's order set an expedited briefing schedule to permit a hearing by "as early as September." The court must rule on a case 90 days after oral argument.
Both conservative and liberal groups are expected to urge the California court to rule that backers of ballot measures have authority, or “standing,” to defend them. Such a ruling would pave the way for a 9th Circuit decision on Proposition 8’s constitutionality, which likely would go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and have national impact.

The California Supreme Court will decide Wednesday whether to plunge back into the legal battle over same-sex marriage.
Depending on the court’s ruling, the 9th Circuit could either dismiss the Proposition 8 appeal on procedural grounds -- limiting the case’s effect to California -- or rule on federal constitutional questions that would affect same-sex marriage throughout the country.
California state officials refused to appeal the ruling. Now the 9th Circuit must determine whether Proposition 8’s sponsors, ProtectMarriage.com, have legal standing to challenge the trial court's decision.
I'll write more on this issue as facts develop.
Lawsuit Says Military Is Rife With Sexual Abuse

WASHINGTON — A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses the Department of Defense of allowing a military culture that fails to prevent rape and sexual assault, and of mishandling cases that were brought to its attention, thus violating the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.
The suit — brought by 2 men and 15 women, both veterans and active-duty service members — specifically claims that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and his predecessor, Donald H. Rumsfeld, “ran institutions in which perpetrators were promoted and where military personnel openly mocked and flouted the modest Congressionally mandated institutional reforms."
There was severe maltreatment in these cases, and there was no accountability whatsoever. And soldiers in general who make any type of complaint in the military are subject to retaliation and have no means of defending themselves.”
The plaintiffs’ stories in the complaint include accounts of a soldier stripping naked and dancing on a table during a break in a class on preventing sexual assault, physical and verbal harassment, and the rape of a woman by two men who videotaped the assault and circulated it to the woman’s colleagues.
Though the suit, which was filed in Federal District Court in Virginia, seeks monetary damages, those involved with the case said their goal was an overhaul of the military’s judicial system regarding rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment. “You should not have to be subjected to being raped or sexually assaulted because you volunteered to serve this nation,” said Susan L. Burke, the plaintiffs’ lead lawyer.
Don't expect a word out of the mouths of the gay haters in defense of women. Ms. Donnelly would no doubt claim that women asked for assault by joining the military in the first place.
WASHINGTON — A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses the Department of Defense of allowing a military culture that fails to prevent rape and sexual assault, and of mishandling cases that were brought to its attention, thus violating the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.
The suit — brought by 2 men and 15 women, both veterans and active-duty service members — specifically claims that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and his predecessor, Donald H. Rumsfeld, “ran institutions in which perpetrators were promoted and where military personnel openly mocked and flouted the modest Congressionally mandated institutional reforms."
There was severe maltreatment in these cases, and there was no accountability whatsoever. And soldiers in general who make any type of complaint in the military are subject to retaliation and have no means of defending themselves.”
The plaintiffs’ stories in the complaint include accounts of a soldier stripping naked and dancing on a table during a break in a class on preventing sexual assault, physical and verbal harassment, and the rape of a woman by two men who videotaped the assault and circulated it to the woman’s colleagues.
Though the suit, which was filed in Federal District Court in Virginia, seeks monetary damages, those involved with the case said their goal was an overhaul of the military’s judicial system regarding rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment. “You should not have to be subjected to being raped or sexually assaulted because you volunteered to serve this nation,” said Susan L. Burke, the plaintiffs’ lead lawyer.
Don't expect a word out of the mouths of the gay haters in defense of women. Ms. Donnelly would no doubt claim that women asked for assault by joining the military in the first place.
Hungary Sending a "Gays Not Wanted" Message

Police in Budapest banned the 2011 lesbian and gay Pride March, yesterday – because it would hinder the flow of traffic. The event, scheduled for 18 June, is considered the highlight of the gay calendar. Now, ILGA-Europe claim the decision is a clear breach of the right of freedom and assembly.
Peaceful LGBTI Pride Marches have taken place in Budapest for several years. However, during the last few years the participants of Budapest Pride March experienced attacks by nationalist and right wing extremists.
The European Court of Human Rights made it clear that gay people are equally entitled to the right to peaceful assembly and expression and that the state and the police have a positive obligation to protect queer public events from violent attacks by the opponents.
The ban on Pride March adds to our concerns with the deteriorating situation for LGBTI in Hungary. Currently there is a proposal to amend the country’s Constitution to limit the scope of marriage to one man and one woman with the effect of banning the possibility of a future opening of marriage to same-sex couples.
Moreover, a draft media law is currently being revised after heavy criticism from the EU aimed to prevent among other things same-sex affections in the media. We believe that represents dangerous signal not only to gay people in Hungary, but also across the EU. We call upon EU institutions and member states to remind Hungary of its duties and about the EU fundamental principles of equality, non-discrimination and respect for human rights for all.”
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
GOP Controlled Committee Kills Bill to Prohibit Discrimination Against Gays

A House subcommittee has killed a bill to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in state hiring. Democratic Sen. Donald McEachin's bill passed out of the Senate last week, but was killed by a Republican-controlled House General Laws subcommittee Tuesday.
The panel also killed another McEachin proposal that would have allowed the State Department of Human Resources to examine extending health benefits to same-sex partners.
Gov. Bob McDonnell became the first governor in years to omit gays from an executive order banning workplace discrimination last year. He later said he would not tolerate any discrimination in state government. Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has declared that there is no legal grounds for protecting gays until the General Assembly enacts such a law.
Seriously, in the eyes of Virginia Republicans farm animals and household pets hold a higher place under the law than LGBT citizens.
AFA and Iowa Family Policy Center Back Peddling After Showing True Face

As we noted yesterday, the American Family Association has pulled Bryan Fischer's recent blog post asserting that Native American's were "morally disqualified" from exercising control over North America and that Europeans were justified in taking it by force.
So far, the AFA has not offered any statement on why it did so and all we have gotten is Fischer's side as he claims it was taken down because people are just "not mature" enough to handle the truth and was becoming a distraction because the Left was just too "dim-witted" to understand that Fischer was speaking only for himself and not for the organization.
Now, as Warren Throckmorton reports, a representative of the AFA showed up in the comments to a Throckmorton post on Crosswalk about Fischer's piece to reject Fischer's bigotry and claim that his views do not represent the AFA:
Bryan Fischer’s blog runs on the AFA website. His blog does not speak for AFA. His statements about Native Americans were wrong and disturbing. I am posting this as an individual, but provide my job description to illustrate that Bryan’s views were not those of AFA as a whole.
Patrick Vaughn
General Counsel
American Family Association, Inc.
Should these disavowals be believed? Of course not. Fischer is still on the AFA payroll and is promoted by AFA. A transparent claim that he doesn't represent AFA's views simple doesn't wash. And in the case of Iowa Family Policy Center, the excuses are even more lame as the implausible statement is passed around that it was all a mistake and that the anti-gay health contagion line should have been taken down two years ago. The Iowa Independent looks at this outright lie. Here are highlights:
A link to a seminar series that presents homosexuality and its “second-hand effects” as a public health threat has been removed from the website of The Family Leader.
Julie Summa, director of marketing and public outreach for The Family Leader, said the seminar series has not been offered for around two years. However, up until Tuesday, a link to the seminar’s website was made available to anyone who signed up for e-mail updates
When asked by The Iowa Independent why, if the series has not been offered for two years, it continues to be advertised on The Family Leader’s website, Summa said it was a mistake.
The seminar series, which is advertised as exposing the “public health crisis of same-sex activity,” was first discovered by the “Good As You” blog, but garnered headlines when it was brought up by reporters at a press conference organized by The Family Leader with former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
IFPC argued that gay marriage was more dangerous than smoking.
“The Iowa Legislature outlawed smoking [in some public places] in an effort to improve health and reduce the medical costs that are often passed on to the state,” Hurley said at that time. “The second-hand impacts of certain homosexual acts are arguably more destructive, and potentially more costly to society than smoking.”
Days later the IFPC published information in its blog entitled: “What’s Worse — Smoking or Sodomy?”
South Dakota GOP Back Bill Invites Murder of Abortion Providers

A law under consideration in South Dakota would expand the definition of "justifiable homicide" to include killings that are intended to prevent harm to a fetus—a move that could make it legal to kill doctors who perform abortions. The Republican-backed legislation, House Bill 1171, has passed out of committee on a nine-to-three party-line vote, and is expected to face a floor vote in the state's GOP-dominated House of Representatives soon.
The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Phil Jensen, a committed foe of abortion rights, alters the state's legal definition of justifiable homicide by adding language stating that a homicide is permissible if committed by a person "while resisting an attempt to harm" that person's unborn child or the unborn child of that person's spouse, partner, parent, or child. If the bill passes, it could in theory allow a woman's father, mother, son, daughter, or husband to kill anyone who tried to provide that woman an abortion—even if she wanted one.
"The bill in South Dakota is an invitation to murder abortion providers," says Vicki Saporta, the president of the National Abortion Federation, the professional association of abortion providers. Since 1993, eight doctors have been assassinated at the hands of anti-abortion extremists, and another 17 have been the victims of murder attempts. Some of the perpetrators of those crimes have tried to use the justifiable homicide defense at their trials.
Sara Rosenbaum, a law professor at George Washington University who frequently testifies before Congress about abortion legislation, says the bill is legally dubious. "It takes my breath away," she says in an email to Mother Jones. "Constitutionally, a state cannot make it a crime to perform a constitutionally lawful act."
The South Dakota legislature has twice tried to ban abortion outright, but voters rejected the ban at the polls in 2006 and 2008, by a 12-point margin both times. Conservative lawmakers have since been looking to limit access any other way possible.
Washington Post: Maryland Senate Likely to Aprrove Gay Marriage

A majority of Maryland's state senators have said publicly that they will vote to legalize same-sex marriages, greatly increasing the odds that the highest-profile social legislation being considered by the General Assembly will pass in coming weeks.
In interviews Monday, two more senators said they intended to vote for the bill, increasing the number who have made such commitments to 24 - the bare majority needed for passage in the 47-member Senate - according to an ongoing Washington Post tally.
If the bill clears the Senate, it would move to the House - traditionally the more liberal of the two chambers on social policy. Sponsors say they are confident they can secure a majority there. Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) has said he would sign the bill. Maryland would join five other states and the District in allowing same-sex marriages.
The Post's tally is not a guarantee of the bill's passage when it reaches the Senate floor, probably next week. Several senators, including Klausmeier, have publicly agonized over their positions in recent days. Opponents also have threatened a filibuster in an attempt to kill the legislation.
The Post's tally is not a guarantee of the bill's passage when it reaches the Senate floor, probably next week. Several senators, including Klausmeier, have publicly agonized over their positions in recent days. Opponents also have threatened a filibuster in an attempt to kill the legislation.
The General Assembly may not have the final word on the issue: If the bill passes, opponents of the legislation have said they would take advantage of a provision in Maryland law that allows citizens to petition approved legislation to the ballot. If successful, that would put the law on hold pending a statewide vote in November 2012.
Teaching Kids About Gay Marriage - The False Bogey Man

Continuing its strategy of scaring families into thinking same-sex marriage will lead to the recruitment of their children into the homosexual lifestyle, the National Organization for Marriage has been mailing out brochures to Rhode Island voters claiming "Imposing same-sex marriage has consequences," consequences that allegedly include, "Massachusetts’ public schools teach kids as young as kindergartners about gay marriage. Parents have no legal right to object!"
So what if schools are telling children about gay marriages? And that they're legal in some states, and illegal and others. And that they're the unions of two loving people. Teachers are not telling students AND THEN THE TWO MEN FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE ASSHOLE, the same way they aren't teaching "kids as young as kindergartners" that mommy spreads her legs for daddy's third leg.
[W]e could only hope NOM is right: that teachers and administrators feel comfortable enough about same-sex marriage to relay to kids that, hey, yeah, this is something that's happening out there, and it's perfectly okay. It's not enough to say NOM's claims are unfounded. It's time to say the only reasonable way to move forward is to normalize same-sex marriage in the eyes of kids, at least as much as they see opposite-sex marriage as de rigueur.
We'll be a lot further along when we show that kids really don't have a problem with gay couples, even married ones, and there is nothing to be scared of.
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