Tuesday, February 15, 2011

AFA and Iowa Family Policy Center Back Peddling After Showing True Face

In recent posts we've seen Bryan Fischer of AFA insulting Native Americans - and many others, gays included, naturally - during his latest cases of verbal diarrhea and general batshitery. Then, we seen the Iowa Family Policy Center and its affiliates maintaining that gays are a public health threat more dangerous than second hand cigarette smoke. Now, having shown their real faces and the unvarnished hate that is the driving force of their toxic form of Christianity, both AFA and Iowa Family Policy Center are frantically back peddling in the hope of disguising their real nature once again. Personally, I hope there will be a backlash against their fully unmasked bigotryand that those witnessing these insincere efforts will see through the smoke screens. In the Case of AFA, Right Wing Watch looks at AFA's effort to distance itself from Fischer. Here are some highlights:
As we noted yesterday, the American Family Association has pulled Bryan Fischer's recent blog post asserting that Native American's were "morally disqualified" from exercising control over North America and that Europeans were justified in taking it by force.
So far, the AFA has not offered any statement on why it did so and all we have gotten is Fischer's side as he claims it was taken down because people are just "not mature" enough to handle the truth and was becoming a distraction because the Left was just too "dim-witted" to understand that Fischer was speaking only for himself and not for the organization.
Now, as Warren Throckmorton reports, a representative of the AFA showed up in the comments to a Throckmorton post on Crosswalk about Fischer's piece to reject Fischer's bigotry and claim that his views do not represent the AFA:
Bryan Fischer’s blog runs on the AFA website. His blog does not speak for AFA. His statements about Native Americans were wrong and disturbing. I am posting this as an individual, but provide my job description to illustrate that Bryan’s views were not those of AFA as a whole.
Patrick Vaughn
General Counsel
American Family Association, Inc.
Should these disavowals be believed? Of course not. Fischer is still on the AFA payroll and is promoted by AFA. A transparent claim that he doesn't represent AFA's views simple doesn't wash. And in the case of Iowa Family Policy Center, the excuses are even more lame as the implausible statement is passed around that it was all a mistake and that the anti-gay health contagion line should have been taken down two years ago. The Iowa Independent looks at this outright lie. Here are highlights:
A link to a seminar series that presents homosexuality and its “second-hand effects” as a public health threat has been removed from the website of The Family Leader.

Julie Summa, director of marketing and public outreach for The Family Leader, said the seminar series has not been offered for around two years. However, up until Tuesday, a link to the seminar’s website was made available to anyone who signed up for e-mail updates
When asked by The Iowa Independent why, if the series has not been offered for two years, it continues to be advertised on The Family Leader’s website, Summa said it was a mistake.
The seminar series, which is advertised as exposing the “public health crisis of same-sex activity,” was first discovered by the “Good As You” blog, but garnered headlines when it was brought up by reporters at a press conference organized by The Family Leader with former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
IFPC argued that gay marriage was more dangerous than smoking.

“The Iowa Legislature outlawed smoking [in some public places] in an effort to improve health and reduce the medical costs that are often passed on to the state,” Hurley said at that time. “The second-hand impacts of certain homosexual acts are arguably more destructive, and potentially more costly to society than smoking.”
Days later the IFPC published information in its blog entitled: “What’s Worse — Smoking or Sodomy?”

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