Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Exposing Hyprocritical "Family Values" Politicians is Necessary

Once again some in the LGBT blogosphere are whining and having a cow over the call to expose hypocrites among the anti-gay, "family values" politician class who wrap themselves in the banner of "family values," oppose LGBT equality at ever turn and yet are cheating on their wives, seeking gay sex on the side, are twice or thrice divorced even as they whine about the "sanctity of marriage," or engaging in other behaviors that show the lie of their pretended piousness. And these are the same folks who shamelessly pander to the likes of the AFA and Bryan Fischer (who recently confirmed that he DOES really believe that gays should be placed in concentration camps), Tony Perkins and FRC, the ever self-enriching Maggie Gallagher, et. al, and repeat their nasty lies of anti-gay hate groups. Bil Browning - a fellow Bilerico writer - has made a call for dirt on such hypocrites in the Indiana legislature in response to an anti-gay marriage measure. Some - perhaps motivated for personal grudges - are calling this heinous muckraking and similar derogatory things.
I call it playing hard ball and making the personal lives of our enemies the subject of public discussion just as they do to the lives of LGBT citizens every time they pander to the Christianists, vote for anti-gay measures and engage in other conduct that helps maintain an atmosphere where homophobia is rampant and where suicide still seems the best option to far too many gay teens. Here in Virginia, "family values" Republicans have killed EVERY gay friendly measure in this year's legislative session. Many of these elected officials - while kissing the ass of Daddy Dobson's affiliate, The Family Foundation - describe gays as a menace to society, disease ridden and other truly horrible things. They have no qualms about slandering me, the boyfriend and countless other LGBT Virginians solely to win points and votes. If my life, my love and my partner and friends are going to be used as political footballs, then I say what goes around comes around and our enemies have placed a bulls eye on their own backs and made themselves targets for exposure it they aren't living the family values life they claim to worship.
This is an issue I feel very strong about and I've warned politicians in the past that there will be a price to pay for disingenuous pandering to anti-gay forces - former Congressman Ed Schrock (pictured above) being the most high profile example. For those who don't remember, Schrock had the second most anti-gay voting record in Congress yet was soliciting gay sex on the side in the Hampton Roads area. When I confronted Schrock (he called me on his cell from the House floor), his chief staffer threatened me with serious consequences, but ultimately Mike Rogers and others nailed Schrock and he dropped out of his re-election campaign. Others who are anti-gay and not living the "family values" life they claim to support deserve similar exposure. You make my life, my relationships, and my civil equality and issue for craven political gain and I WILL do my best to come after you. That message needs to be made to echo loud and clear in every state in this country.
I repeat a statement I made the other day: anyone with any information on anti-gay politicians in Virginia that exposes them as hypocrites, adulterers, on the down low, or anything else not in accordance with their"family values" political posturing, bring it to me and, if substantiated, and I promise I will get it to those who can help expose the bastards and hopefully end their political careers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have always been of the thought, you should come out when you feel comfortable and you should not be forced out...but as you say, if you happen to be very vocal about your hate for gays and lesbians and vote to take away rights for us, then, yes... you should be called on it. If they aim to destroy what we have, turnabout is fair play...