Thursday, October 07, 2010

Christian Dominionist Wants Government Regulation of Gay Sex

A rash of gay teen suicides and what do the Christianists do? They go into overdrive with gay bashing and disseminating the tired lies that set the stage for the suicides in the first place. The latest gay bashing bigot to exhibit diarrhea of the mouth is Christian Dominionist David Barton of Wallbuilders. For the record, Christian Dominionist want to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and in its place institute a Bible based theocracy. That's right, they basically want to commit treason and overthrow the government. In putting forth his batshitery, Barton - in addition to a selective reading of the Bible - recites the same discredited and fraudulent anti-gay propaganda put out by Paul Cameron. The same Paul Cameron who was thrown out of every legitimate medical and mental health related association he belonged to over 25 years ago. Barton proves yet again that when a far right Christian's lips are moving , the odds are that he/she is lying. Right Wing Watch has details. Here are some highlights:
Barton: We have a Department of Health and Human Services; we have health care bills; we have health insurance and we’re trying to stop all unhealthy things . . . to tell you how to live a healthy lifestyle. So if I got to the Centers for Disease Control and I’m concerned about health, I find some interesting stats there and this should tell me something about health.
Homosexual/bi-sexual individuals are seven times more likely to contemplate or commit suicide. Oooh, that doesn’t sound very healthy.
Homosexuals die decades earlier than heterosexuals. That doesn’t sound healthy.
Nearly one-half of practicing homosexuals admit to five hundred or more sex partners and nearly one-third admit to a thousand or more sex partners in a lifetime.
I mean, you go through all this stuff, sounds to me like that’s not very healthy. Why don’t we regulate homosexuality?
there was a study done back in the 1920s and it looked at eighty-some odd nations and those rejected sexual regulation like with homosexuality, none of them lasted past the third generation from the time that they embraced it. So how ever many it looked at …

As more and more studies are confirming, the higher gay suicide rate tracks to the vile lies and persecution that gays face due to people like Barton. This diatribe is yet another example of the persecutor blaming the victim. Barton and those like him are a clear and present danger to both civil law under the Constitution and the freedom of religion that the Constitution promises to others.

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