Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Affirmation Declaration

I have previously commented on the far right Christianists' "Manhattan Declaration" whic is a manifesto encouraging wingnut Christians to enage in civil disobedience rather that allow the CIVIL laws to provide for gay rights and other issues that are not consistent with the far right Christianists' religious beliefs. Now, to counter the toxic message of exclusion embodied in the so-called Manhattan Declaration," a group of Christians have drafted the "Affirmation Declaration" that confronts and rejects the bigotry and intolerance of the Christianists and that provides an affirmative Christian message. Here are some highlights from the Affirmation Declaration:
The Affirmation Declaration is a statement that expresses the convictions of Christians all over the world. It was written in response to the now famous Manhattan Declaration, to correct egregious errors contained in the document, errors that have been preached in the pulpits of many local churches for far too long.
With the growing notoriety and support for the Manhattan Declaration, our Affirmation Declaration reflects an urgent need to respond to the portion of the Manhattan Declaration dealing with issues related to sexual orientation—specifically, homosexuality and same-sex marriage. We strongly disagree with the contention that same-sex attractions and the oft-resulting romantic activities are immoral.
We also desire to let the world know that not all Christians are locked in what we believe to be an ancient worldview regarding homosexuality. We want to give people hope—hope to know that God loves them just as they are; hope to know that their gay loved ones are not destined for Hell; hope to know that although some Christian churches will never accept them or their same-sex unions, a great many will.
I urge you to go to the website and add you signature and name to this declaration. True Christians need to save the name of Christianity from the knuckle draggers of the far right who have turned Christ's Gospel message into a message of hate.

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