Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Will Catholic Bishops Start Denying Communion to Gay Marriage Supporters?

The leadership of Roman Catholic Church seems in some ways Hell bent to turn the Church into a mirror image of the whacky far right evangelical Christians who obsess over three issues to the exclusion of all else: abortion, stem cell research and, of course, demonizing the gays. The long history of a social ministry aimed at feeding the hungry and clothing the poor seems to be slowly sliding into irrelevance as the womb and legal relationships between same sex couples trumps all else. And the weapon of choice against non-compliant Catholics? The denial of communion, the center piece of the Catholic mass. Change.org has a story that looks at this trend which has been highlighted by the dust up between Congressman Patrick Kennedy and Bishop Thomas Tobin. Is this new obsession sincere in light of the Church's age old effort to depict all things sexual as dirty and sinful or merely a means to try to remove news coverage focus from the continuing sex abuse scandal debacle? Here are some highlights:
U.S. Catholic Bishops have made a giant leap toward using Communion as their next political weapon, with Rhode Island's bishop telling Rep. Patrick Kennedy that he is no longer welcome to receive Communion during Mass at any church in the entire state. The move by Bishop Thomas Tobin follows through on previous threats by many U.S. Catholic bishops that they would ban pro-choice and pro-gay politicians from partaking in one of the Church's most important sacraments.
"The bishop instructed me not to take communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me communion," Kennedy said.
Today [this past Sunday] happens to be the 46th anniversary of the assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, the nation's only Catholic head of state. What a difference four decades make in reshaping Catholic identity. Back then Catholics celebrated President Kennedy's leadership. Today, Kennedy and his family would be told by many bishops that they're not welcome to the table.
The announcement by Bishop Tobin to control Communion like a mafia leader stems from debate during the 2004 election, when Sen. John Kerry (himself a Catholic) was running for President. During that year, conservative U.S. Catholic leaders put together what they considered
a list of "non-negotiable" issues that they said Catholics could not waver on.
It was a narrowing of Catholic theology to strip issues like poverty and social justice from the forefront of the Church, and replace them with opposing abortion, gay marriage, and stem cell research. It was also a call to Catholic politicians: oppose abortion and gay marriage at all costs, or risk the threat of the Church denying you Communion and publicly tarring and feathering you as a sinner.
There's no reason to think that Church leaders won't head to even deeper depths, politicizing one of their oldest traditions in Communion to simply toe a line on gay marriage that is increasingly out of step with public opinion
As I have said before, the best thing those in disagreement with the Church's drift toward a 13th century mindset under the Nazi Pope is to "vote with their feet" and exit the Church for denominations not at war with modernity itself. Options ARE out there and should be pursued.

1 comment:

Julián said...

Michael, yo que nací en un país 95% católico y vivo en otro (mucho más secular eso sí) también muy católico, te cuento que yo ya estoy tan harto (la mayoría de la gente) de esa puta Iglesia (los albigenses la llamaban la Puta de Babilonia, que pagaron cara su osadía, pues fueron exterminados por orden del papa Inocencio III en la cruzada albigense) que creo que ya no vale la pena preocuparse por una institución tan corrupta y caduca. Aquí en España la prensa ya se ha hecho eco de lo que está haciendo la Iglesia Católica en tu país.

Michael, Michael: la Iglesia no va a cambiar, es más fácil que a una rana le crezcan plumas, a que esta secta-mafia (de las indulgencias y la inquisición) cambie de parecer. Mira lo que me encontre mientras estaba googleando algo (y eso a pesar de mi bajo nivel de Inglés):

"Some gay men sexualize human waste, including the medically dangerous practice of coprophilia, which means sexual contact with highly infectious fecal wastes.47 This practice exposes the participants to all of the risks of anal-oral contact and many of the risks of analgenital contact."

Realmente repugnante, desde que encontré esto, cada vez le tengo más antipatía a la Iglesia. Pero, ¿por qué están tan obsesionados con nosotros? Una asquerosa e infame calumnia. Como si los heteros no practicaran esto. Lo que la Iglesia pretende es demonizar a los gays y deshumanizarnos. Pero claro, se les olvida que el famoso vídeo "two girls one cup" fue hecho para disfrute de los heterosexuales pervertidos.

Más repugnantes pseudoestudios aquí

Yo estaba leyendo en otro blog de otro Americano en donde el autor afirmaba que ya se le está acabando la paciencia y no quiere resistir más tantos atropellos como un "submissive bottom".