Tuesday, July 08, 2008

AFA Announces Boycott of McDonalds

It would seem that Don Wildmon and the American Family Association - why is it I sense that the "F" in AFA would seem more appropriate if it stood for "fanatics" - must be in dire need of a reason for the news media to mention him/the organization. Hence the new boycott announcement, this time aimed at McDonalds. Like past boycotts that have failed utterly - even though the AFA always in its special delusional way claims victory - this one no doubt will cause barely a ripple for McDonalds. In fact, it might prompt me and others who normally avoid McDonalds to stop by once in a while. Meanwhile, Wildmon has provided plenty of fodder for articles rightfully trashing his organization. A great example is Chris Kelly's hilarious column at the Huffington Post. Make sure you go to the article and read the comments posted by freepers. Here are some highlights:
There's at least one good reason to like McDonald's: They're being boycotted by the American Family Association. What did McDonald's do to cross the AFA, its president, Donald Wildmon, and -- by extension -- Jesus (R-Nz.)? They donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. McDonald's' revenue runs about five billion dollars a quarter, so you can see their profound commitment to destroying the family through sodomy.
The AFA says that by donating one thousandth of one percent of its 2007 earnings, "McDonald's has chosen not to remain neutral but to give the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda."
It feels a little like the American Family Association was looking for someone to boycott and it was just McDonald's' turn. They've already boycotted Sears, Kohl's, Kmart, Target, Old Navy and IKEA. As a result, they're naked and don't have anywhere to sit. The McDonald's boycott follows boycotts of Burger King, Carl's Jr., 7-11, Proctor & Gamble and Kraft, which means Donald Wildmon hasn't eaten anything for sale in America since the late '70s. You'd think he'd be dead, but no.
But McDonald's might want to think about the kind of customers they're losing. They appear to be lunatics. . . . I just had a thought -- honest to God, I swear this wasn't where I was heading with this thing; I was just going to make a lot of snotty remarks about reductio ad absurdum and the McFaddin Family's feet -- but it occurs to me that McDonald's has done something brilliant: They've deliberately offended a demographic they don't want.
For just $20,000, they've chased off all the crazy people who hang around McDonald's sputtering and ranting and making me not want to eat there.

1 comment:

Java said...

I like McDonald's french fries.