Sunday, July 06, 2008

Dobson Continues to Disingenuously Market the "Change Myth"

For someone who is having hissy fits over being rightfully castigated by Barack Obama as trying to force his sick version of Christianity on all Americans, James Dobson continues to demonstrate that he has little regard for truth and veracity. A case in point is Focus on the Family's dishonest presentation on its website about the ability of gays to "change." Were it not for the fact that far too many vulnerable and uninformed parents of gays and gays themselves fall for the bull shit peddled by Dobson (and fork over lots of money in the process), some of the information would be almost laughable. In many ways, FoF continues to act as if one's sexual orientation is akin to being an alcoholic or something similar to it. In addition, all regard for the opinions of legitimate medical and mental health proferssionals is utterly lacking form FoF's information. Some of this crap is so dishonest - e.g., that same sex attraction is an acquired habit - that one has to wonder how/why people accept any of it other than the fact that they have apparently been so brainwashed and inflicted with guilt. Here's a sampling of the bull shit offered up by FOF:
Male homosexuality is like any other sexual sin or temptation that a person may struggle with. Given that God works with us as individuals, there is no "formula" for the change process, nor is there typically instant freedom. Not surprisingly, each person’s path to liberty will be different. . . . The good news is that homosexual attractions and temptations do change, dissipate and even disappear for many men – as they cooperate with God in the process of becoming more like Jesus.
Change in behavior. For many men, this is of paramount concern. Some homosexual strugglers have struggled with fantasy, looking at pornography, masturbation and/or sexual activity with people of the same sex for years. Each time a person behaves in these ways, thoughts, feelings and actions are rehearsed in the body and in the brain. And these thoughts, feelings, and actions become more ingrained, more habitual.
Thus informed by Scripture, the man who wants to change will start thinking about himself differently – as part of fallen humanity, as a sinner in need of a Savior, as a redeemed child of God, as a man. He will ask God to change his self-image, from the world’s view to a biblical view. He must embrace healthy, God-given and God-ordained sexual identity and masculinity.
Change in relationships with men and women. Anyone who struggles with same-sex attractions will have to examine his relationships. This kind of thoughtful moral inventory will often involve confession and the willingness to grow, mature and cultivate new actions.
Here are a few of the relational sins – often connected with the homosexual struggle – where God will empower change:
***Lust – desiring to use another man for one’s own pleasure and fulfillment;
***Envy – wanting to own another’s masculinity, wanting to possess another person’s attributes;
***Contempt – looking down on "straight" men or women, despising men who are unattractive, old, or effeminate, or fearing and hating women;
***Control – wanting to control another’s behavior, affections, time, or thoughts; and,
***Lying – not telling the truth about what one thinks or feels in order to maintain a relationship, not being honest about thoughts, feelings, behaviors or attitudes.
A man wrestling with homosexuality must also begin to develop healthy, non-sexual relationships with other men in the Body of Christ – learning to be a man amongst men.
Funny how I have never felt the envy, control, contempt, etc., feels outlined. It is also noteworthy that nowhere does the LOVE of same-sex partners ever get mentioned. It's all about lust, etc., and shows how utterly clueless this nutcase is about the true emotional aspects of being gay. Truth be told, it's Dobson and FOF that are the liars, seeking control and holding contempt for others, not gays and their supporters. In my opinion, Dobson is a dishonest charlatan and it is very sad that outfits like FOF - who typically use non-credentialed "ex-gays for pay" for their staffs - are not regulated by mental health licensing agencies. How many lives has this cruel and dishonest man ruined?

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