Those who would like to vent their unhappiness with the White House may have a new method for doing so. TheCorrente Wire ( http://www.correntewire.com/) has the following post. From my own radom sampling, the second number appears to be the phone, while the other is the fax number. Here's portions of the post:
See The White House Phone Directory (May 18, 2007). Because I figure the regular switchboard might be busy tomorrow, but if you’ve got the White House phone directory, you can just work your way down until somebody picks up. (Actually, in the spirit of CD interviewing people, it might be more interesting and fun to say “Hi! I write for ______________. Do you think that Libby’s commuted sentence involved obstruction of justice? Why or why not?”)
Most of the numbers in the Directory match what I’ve been able to glean from open sources, so it looks authentic. The offices are taken from the White House site, and the numbers are formatted like so: 1-202-555-1212 / 1-202-555-1212, where the first number is via internet search, and the second, italic number is from the Directory:
The offices included in the Executive Office of the President.
Council of Economic Advisers: (202) 456-1414 / (202) 395-5084
Council on Environmental Quality: (202) 395-5750 / (202) 456-6224
Office of Administration: (202)456-7921 / (202) 456-2861
Office of Management and Budget: (202) 395-4840 / (202) 395-4840
Office of National Drug Control Policy: (202) 395-6738
Office of Science & Technology Policy: (202) 456-6021 / (202) 456-7116
President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board: (202) 456-2352
United States Trade Representative: (202) 395-7360 / (202) 395-3230
The offices included in the White House Office:
Domestic Policy Council: (202) 456-1111 / (202) 456-5594
Homeland Security Council: (202) 456-1700
National Economic Council: (202) 456-1414 / (202) 456-2800
Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: (202) 456-6708 / (202) 456-6708
Office of the First Lady: (202) 456-7074 / (202) 456-7064
Office of National AIDS Policy : (202) 456-7320 / (202) 456-7320
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board: (202) 456-1066
USA Freedom Corps: 1-877-872-2677 / 1-877-USA-CORPS
White House Fellows Office: (202) 395-4522 / (202) 395-4522
White House Military Office: / (202) 757-2151
Homeland Security Council: (202) 456-1700
National Economic Council: (202) 456-1414 / (202) 456-2800
Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: (202) 456-6708 / (202) 456-6708
Office of the First Lady: (202) 456-7074 / (202) 456-7064
Office of National AIDS Policy : (202) 456-7320 / (202) 456-7320
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board: (202) 456-1066
USA Freedom Corps: 1-877-872-2677 / 1-877-USA-CORPS
White House Fellows Office: (202) 395-4522 / (202) 395-4522
White House Military Office: / (202) 757-2151
And the Vice Presidential Entity, whatever branch he ends up in:
Shooter: (202) 456-9000 / (202) 456-1414
Shooter’s Moll, Lynne: (202) 456-7489
Shooter’s Moll, Lynne: (202) 456-7489
Naturally, if you call the White House to express your disapprobation in the matter of I. Lewis Libby, you will be courteous, and remember that our public servants have important work to do.
1 comment:
Actually, I expected nothing less from Bush-Cheney Dyarchy.
I keep calling Congress and expressing discontent that they are not impeaching these assholes, but they're out to lunch feeding at the same K-Street trough as the Republican pigs.
Other than Russ Feingold and Barack Obama, fire them all. Every last one of them. Right? Alas, lemmings only follow, never lead. Salvation is in Hilary! Pelosi! Reid! Dingle. Conyers. And I thought San Francisco was the land of Fruit and Nuts? But I do know lemmings and pigs are different species, but they may have been genetically modified to become hybrids, and overtaken D.C. like malaria.
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