Monday, July 14, 2008

James Dobson Has Drag Queen Worthy Hissy Fit

James Dobson, the windbag homophobe who heads up Focus on the Family ("FOF") is having a hissy fit over Wayne Besen - who I know personally - starting a campaign to block Dobson from getting elected to the radio Hall of Fame. Dobson can dish out lies and disinformation of the most outrageous nature, but he gets all prissy and haughty like an irate drag queen when someone points out what he's really all about. Today on Citizen Link, one of FOF's propaganda arms, Dobson said this about Wayne:
Infamous homosexual activist Wayne Besen has fashioned a career of sorts out of taking potshots at Focus on the Family and Dr. James Dobson. So it's not surprising he is trying to get Dr. Dobson taken out of the running for the Radio Hall of Fame, saying Dr. Dobson "lacks character and integrity." He's even launched a petition drive asking the Museum of Broadcast Communications to have Dr. Dobson removed from consideration.
In point of fact, all Wayne has ever done is (1) prove that some of Daddy D's "ex-gays" are frauds, and (2) spotlighted how Dobson and FOF have fraudulently misrepresented legitimate research and/or put out fraudulent research by the likes of Paul Cameron. The truth hurts, but if Dobson were the Christian he pretends to be - lining his pockets with wealth in the process - he would not be putting out lies. Dobson is an insufferable demagogue, plain and simple. Here's what Wayne e-mailed to me:
Over the weekend, Focus on the Family's James Dobson released his pit bulls and personally attacked me. He is irate because I dared to launch a campaign to keep him out of the Radio Hall of Fame. Dobson is a venomous bigot who has said that same-sex marriage will "destroy the earth." Clearly, he does not deserve to be honored and must be stopped.
YOU are the only thing standing between James Dobson and a Hall of Fame victory dance. The last thing we want is for him to parade around on-stage with a trophy, using his platform to spew more bile against the GLBT community. There are four things you can do TODAY to stop this troglodyte.
You must act NOW, as Hall of Fame voting ends on July 15.
1) If you haven't done so already, sign TWO's formal request to have the Radio Hall of Fame dump James Dobson as a candidate. SIGN HERE

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