It’s been clear for a long time that the evangelical right means to eliminate not merely abortion, but even contraception; I’ve written about it previously here, here, here, and here. Now, President Bush’s Health and Human Services department proposes a rule that permits employees of facilities that receive federal dollars — which is practically all hospitals — to refuse to participate in any procedures that violate their religious beliefs, including the provision of contraception.
I am not making this up, or indulging in hyperbole:
Therefore, the Department proposes to interpret this term broadly, as encompassing individuals who are members of the workforce of the Department-funded entity performing the objectionable procedure. When applying the term “assist in the performance” to members of an entity’s workforce, the Department proposes to include participation in any activity with a logical connection to the objectionable procedure, including referrals, training, and other arrangements for offending procedures. For example, an operating room nurse would assist in the performance of surgical procedures, and an employee whose task it is to clean the instruments used in a particular procedure, would be considered to assist in the performance of the particular procedure.
And don’t kid yourself: These yahoos won’t hesitate for an instant to put their hands on other people’s lives and destroy them for the glory of Jesus. It is beyond shocking that HHS would seriously propose to codify such a wide-ranging veto of private health decisions. Contact Congress … today.
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