I mentioned the other day that GOP
Congresswoam Thelma Drake in what appears to be desperation since her Democrat challenger is doing well with fundraising, had a fundraising event of her own today with guest speaker Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove (I have other names for him, but will refrain from profanity). As promised, protesters picketed outside of the Drake event, garnering media coverage that I suspect will only serve to
remind voters of Thelma's slavish support of the Chimperator who is unpopular even among many in the local military. In my opinion, Rove is one of the nastiest, sleaziest and disgusting figure in politics today and I have to wo
nder what was Thelma thinking? Here are a few quotes from the
Virginian Pilot:
The protesters outside Ruth’s Chris Steak House, where the fundraiser is being held, are carrying signs and chanting “Arrest Karl Rove” and “Shame on Thelma Drake.” The protest started about 11:30 a.m. Democrats earlier called on Drake to cancel her sold-out fundraiser with Rove because the former White House adviser defied a congressional subpoena last week.
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