Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chris Christie Proves He's Spineless and Calls for a Public Vote on LGBT Civil Rights

Earlier today I had hoped that Chris Christie might show some spine - and leadership qualities - in the context of the pending gay marriage legislation in New Jersey. To do that, of course, he would need to stand up for equality under the civil laws and "flip the bird" to Christianists, far right religious extremists and ignorance embracing "traditional Catholics" who want to trample on the religious freedoms of other citizens. That hope apparently was misplaced. Rather than exhibit leadership and desire to be on the right side of history when it comes to equality for all citizens, Mr. Christie has run in cowardice. How so? Rather than support religious freedom and equality for all citizens, Christies is trying to punt on the issue and today stated that the marriage rights of gays should be put to a public vote - something anathema to the Constitution's protections afforded to minorities. If Christie wants a vote on gay rights, then let's put all kinds of rights up to public vote. To start wit, how about a vote on the rights of the morbidly obese such as Mr. Christie himself. Or perhaps those of Jewish descent. Or maybe Mormons or evangelical Christians? The Star-Ledger has coverage on Christie's disgusting spinelessness. Here are some highlights:

Gov. Chris Christie called today for the Legislature to put on the fall ballot a voter referendum on whether to legalize gay marriage, which Democratic lawmakers have made a top priority.

If successful, the referendum would amend the state Constitution and trump the current civil unions law. He urged all Republicans in the Legislature to put the matter to voters, but promised to veto the measure if it came to him in the form of a bill.

In reaction to Christie's bombshell, State Sen. Raymond Lesniak (D-Union), a sponsor of the bill, said same-sex marriage is "a right that's guaranteed by the Constitution. It's up to us to implement it as legislators."

I sincerely hope that the New Jersey legislature drums up the vote to override Christie's likely gutless and spineless veto of the marriage legislation. Christie makes me want to vomit.

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