Sunday, January 22, 2012

MSNBC Continues to Give Hate Group Leader a Platform

Few things drive me more crazy that the lazy main stream media and its continued use of hate group leaders for interviews as if they were legitimate spokesman who had either relevant credentials or lead legitimate organizations. If that's the standard for an interview invitation, why not invite the Imperial Wizard of the KKK? Especially, if the invitee is Tony Perkins who certainly has his white supremacist ties. Once again MSNBC proved that it has no journalistic standards by having Perkins appear on its Friday morning show where Perkins laughably claimed social conservatives weren't judgmental (not once was Perkins challenged). By that standard, I guess whites who lynched blacks in the old South weren't anti-black. Think Progress looks at the ongoing bullshit being given a platform by vile hate merchants like Perkins. Here are some highlights:

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins appeared on MSNBC this morning to discuss last night’s GOP presidential debate and the recent revelations that Newt Gingrich allegedly asked his second wife for an open marriage.

The conservative leader — who regularly condemns gay people, “churns out brochures that compare same-sex marriages to those bonds which might exist between a man and a horse,” likens gays to terrorists, calls LGBT rights a battle of “good versus evil,” and claims gay teens kill themselves because they know that they’re “abnormal” — expressed concern about Gingrich’s personal past, but also raised questions about the wisdom of asking about his marriage during the debate. Ultimately, he suggested that Evangelical Christians are “not judgmental” and understanding, and could embrace a candidate who has sinned:

PERKINS: More than anybody, Evangelicals understand the story of Redemption, that people make mistakes and there can be a turning point. The tension becomes — have we reached that turning point on these issues and were they mistakes, were they character flaws that remain….People don’t want to be seen as that judgmental, because they’re not judgmental, but at the same time, they’re having some serious questions about the character of the candidate.

Does anyone have a vomit bag handy? Shame on MSNBC for providing a platform for a man who is best defined by his hatred of others - and not just hatred of gays.

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