Friday, June 19, 2009

Pat Robertson Proves He's an Ignorant Ass Yet Again

Local embarrassment and Christo-fascist Pat Robertson proves once again that he's a total bigoted ass and that he apparently needs to take some history classes so that he can stop telling the popular Christianist lie that gays have destroyed previous nations. He's likely referring to the fall of Rome and interestingly enough some historians cite the rise of Christianity as one reason Rome fell - along with political instability due to a lack of a succession plan for emperors, too high of tax burden and the Roman army becoming too dependent on mercenaries. Here's his quote via Towleroad:
"A month to celebrate gay, lesbian, transgender pride month? Somebody's proud of being transgendered? It's a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of our population. One to two percent has this particular orientation, yet they dominate the news. It's just smiply amazing. Any country that openly embraces homosexuality throughout the history of mankind has gone down into ruin. Thats history. Thats the historical record. Whatever nation embraces this so-called lifestyle, it ends up in the garbage heap of history. So, lets watch what happens."
Here's Queerity's take on this idiotic statement:
Listening to Pat Robertson talk about the role of gays in America sounds like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking about, well, gays in America: They're the reason we're in such despair!
Robertson says that "any country that openly embraces homosexuality through the history of mankind has gone down into ruin. That's the historical record." Surely he must mean ancient Egypt, and the Romans and the Greeks, which all "embraced" same-sex relationships to some degree? And by that logic, any country that embraced, say, agriculture, technology, and art all went down in ruin, so PLEASE KNOCK THAT OFF, America.

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