Sunday, October 28, 2007

Who Was Responsible For McClurkin?

Andrew Sullivan asks a very good question ( How it is answered will tell much about Obama and his willingness to hold people accountable, unlike the Chimperator who lets loyalty blind him to reality (OK, further blind him since he is living in a fantasy world anyways). It comes down to competence and accountability even in the small matters:

I don't think the use of an anti-gay Gospel singer on a muscial tour is a big deal. I don't believe it was done deliberately. Which means it was a staffer mistake. Here's one key test for the Obama campaign: has that staffer been fired yet? Who has been held responsible and fired for such an unforced error? If we are to be reassured that Obama can do what Bush can't: hold people responsible for mistakes, we need to know who did this and when they were let go.

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