Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Theocracy Now!

Max Blumenthal over at the Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blumenthal/theocracy-now_b_70314.html) has a column on his experience at the recent "Value Voters Summit" in Washington, D.C. His account clearly shows how extreme these folks are and that they truly have a problem understanding that the USA does not and should not ever have an established religion, particularly the wingnut, perverted version they market. Would that the mainstream media would do more to expose their lunacy. Here are a few highlights from Max's column:

On October 20 and 21st, I attended the Value Voters Summit, a massive gathering hosted by the Colorado-based Christian right mega-ministry, Focus on the Family, and its Washington lobbying arm, the Family Research Council. With the pro-choice Rudy Giuliani leading in the race for the Republican nomination and the threat of another Clinton presidency looming, the stakes for the Christian right were high.

If anything, the movement seemed more extreme and paranoid than it did four years ago. Rev. Lou Sheldon, dubbed "Lucky Louie" by his former paymaster Jack Abramoff, told me that homosexuality is a "pathological disorder" and "a groove" that is difficult to escape from. He proceeded to passionately defend his friend, Senator Larry Craig, from allegations of homosexuality.

Star Parker, a former welfare cheat who had multiple abortions, claimed to me that abortion is the leading cause of death among African American women between the ages of 25 and 34. Then she described her wish for the forced quarantine of all "sodomites." Parker was not a lone wacko milling around in the hallway; she was a speaker invited by the Family Research Council.

Neoconservative activist Frank Gaffney appeared at the Summit as well. Before a standing room audience, Gaffney exclaimed that "by not being bigoted and not being racist, [George W.] Bush has embraced Islamofascists on several occasions." Phyllis Schlaffly echoed Gaffney's comments, declaring that there are too many mosques in America.
These people are a clear and present danger to freedom of religion and secular democracy, not to mention LGBT Americans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the male beauty. Loose the NeoPod. It was cool the first couple of times, but it's really a waste of bandwidth and slows your pageloads way down.

- Russ
(former Norfolk resident)