Real-estate agents have been among those hardest hit by the housing collapse. As the entire Phoenix real-estate industry remakes itself in pursuit of a recovery, agents who once sold 10 homes a week and earned six-figure salaries now tend foreclosure properties for little more than gas money while they hope for a listing. Brett Barry is a well-known north Phoenix agent who has gone from selling dream homes to handling evictions and open houses for foreclosure homes. He moved his office into his living room, works much longer hours for far less money but still makes his living selling homes.
Former Valley real-estate agents are working at restaurants, grocery and clothing stores, and temporary office jobs. Some plan to go back to selling homes when the market recovers, while others have given up on the business. "I was recently at a restaurant, and the guy serving us used to be one of my big competitors," Barry said. "It's humbling for all of us. I told him not to feel bad about being a waiter because I am basically a runner for lenders these days, dealing with many unhappy people for not much money."
In 2006, the typical commission for a local real-estate agent was 3 percent on a $270,000 home. Now, it's more like 2 percent on an $80,000 foreclosure home that requires a lot more work and up-front costs to sell.
About 60 percent of all Valley home sales now are foreclosures. About 15 percent are short sales. Even if a home isn't in some stage of foreclosure, a seller must compete with foreclosure price levels.
Of course, this huge decline in income has a ripple effect as purchase of other items drop drastically and those losing their homes to foreclosure have the credit destroyed - and the downward spiral continues in far too many localities.
Great story.
As I will someday move to the Phoenix Valley (Mesa area) to semi-retire, I could never completely retire unless health puts me down as I'd be bored to tears, I have kept an eye on the housing market there for 10 years.
The deals you can now find on homes are amazing and if you are inclined to buy a mobile home as I will be, the deals are even better.
In Queen Creek, just a bit south of Mesa you can find nice ready to move-in mobile homes for 20K or less with lot rents of under $300 a month.
While "families" have been hit hard in the employment and housing market in the Valley, for folks who wish to semi-retire or retire, there has never been a better time to move to The Valley Of The Sun.
Thanks for sharing this article. Putting your insights and perception to it adds a lot of great impression of you. Really great post. Keep up the good postings. By the way, I know a real estate coach who could also help many in the real estate industry make money despite the current crisis.
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