My younger daughter has two days off from work and is as busy as ever and will be going to Richmond later today to see a friend and then on to Washington, D.C., where a band she knows is putting on a show. They are both smart, poised young women and I am ever so proud of them. As is typical, our conversation also included politics and their strong desire to see Obama elected as president. My oldest who voted a straight GOP ticket (other than for Bush) in her first election experience plans to vote a straight Democrat ticket this year. She is one of many younger voters that the Chimperator, Karl Rove and the Christianists have driven from the GOP.
The TACT fundraiser yesterday had a huge turn out of probably 350 to 400 people. I avoided playing volleyball and read a book and worked on my tan from about 1:30 PM until 5:00PM when the party/fundraiser began. In addition to food and adult beverages, there war a great DJ and we had a fair group who danced for hours. It was a great event although it was weird having large numbers of red-neck fishermen on the pier below the upper deck where the event was held. I will confess to being naughty: I wore a white shirt - there was a white party theme - that had the legend "Stop Gay Oppression - Spay ot Neuter and Evangelical" aross the chest. Needless to say, I wore a shirt over it when descending down to the pier level. : )
*Thankfully, the wind has finally shifted today from a south southwesterly direction so that for the first time in days we are not getting blanketed with smoke and/or awful smells from the wild fires burning in northeaster North Carolina. The sunset on the pier last night was surreal due to the sun setting in a haze of smoke particles which created a pink/red glow in the sky. Fortunately, up on the Bay the smell was nowhere near as bad as in other parts of the metropolitan area.
1 comment:
Happy Father's Day blogger buddie !
You deserve finally having one.
No need to wish me one, ain't got no munchkins.
At least none I know about anyway.
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