Sunday, November 07, 2010

Obama Throws Gay Under the Bus Againt: Appoints Homophobe to Head Marine Corps

The recently retired head of the U.S. Marine Corps, Gen. James Conway was a raging homophobe who firmly supported DADT. Thus, one would have thought that our "fierce advocate" a/k/a the Liar-in-Chief would have nominated a successor to Conway who would have bought in to Obama's alleged desire to repeal DADT. I say alleged desire because the Liar-in-Chief has done NOTHING so far to end the policy other than mention it in speeches - speeches in which I doubt he means anything he says. So now we have Gen. James Amos heading up the Marine Corps and we're hearing the same old false blathering about "unit cohesion" and "combat readiness." Were we to roll back the clock to the late 1940's I'm sure Amos would be advocating for retaining the segregation of blacks in the military. After all, the Bible was used to support slavery and segregation in the same way the homophobes cling to the religious based discrimination embodied in DADT.
Personally, I am so over Obama's lies and disingenuous statements on DADT and a host of matters. If you truly support the repeal of DADT, you don't nominate anti-gay bigots to head up a branch of the military. Once again, Obama's actions tell us the real story while his words are obviously lies. Here are highlights from the Los Angeles Times on Amos' verbal diarrhea on DADT:
With U.S. troops — including 20,000 Marines — locked in a "tough fight" in Afghanistan, now is not the time to lift the "don't ask, don't tell" ban on homosexuals serving openly in the military, the new commandant of the Marine Corps said Saturday.
Gen. James Amos told reporters in San Diego that he was concerned about a possible loss of unit cohesion and combat readiness if the ban is overturned.
Combat, Amos said, is an "intimate" experience without parallel in civilian life. "We're talking about our young men — laying out, sleeping alongside of one another and sharing death, fear and loss of brothers," he said.
Yep, another case of the "fierce advocates" betrayal of LGBT Americans. With a "advocate" like Obama, who needs an enemy? I truly hope a primary challenger or two will appear and keep the Liar-in-Chief from running for a second term. I over and done with him.

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