Friday, October 30, 2009

Washington Post Calls Cuccinelli an Extremist

Yet another major newspaper has called Ken "I'm a total kook" Cuccinelli out for the extremist and nutcase that he is. Why it has taken so long is baffling given Cuccinelli's consistent record of religious extremist positions both in the General Assembly and in his statements around Virginia. To use Pam Spaulding's terminology, he's batshit crazy. One can only wonder what type of lunacy might ensue should Cuccinelli be elected to the Office of Attorney General since he is basically a refined version of Fred Phelps. Should Taliban Bob McDonnell and Kook Cuccinelli win next week, a very strong message will be sent to the world that Virginia is a reactionary and bigoted state- and that progressive businesses and anyone who is not white, far right Christian, and straight might be well advised to avoid the state entirely. As I have said before, but for our businesses and elderly parents, the boyfriend and I would seriously consider leaving Virginia. Here are some highlights from the Washington Post column:
KENNETH CUCCINELLI, the Republican candidate for Virginia state attorney general, believes it's "appropriate" to formulate public policy on the premise that homosexuals engage in behavior that is "intrinsically wrong" and offensive to "natural law." His comments -- which retrofit the old rhetoric of racism, bias and intolerance in a new context -- were made in an interview with the Virginian-Pilot, a newspaper in Norfolk. Homosexual acts, said Mr. Cuccinelli, currently a state senator, are "intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law-based country it's appropriate to have policies that reflect that. . . . They don't comport with natural law. I happen to think that it represents (to put it politely; I need my thesaurus to be polite) behavior that is not healthy to an individual and in aggregate is not healthy to society."
[L]et's call his comments what they are: bigotry. Bigotry is as pernicious today, applied to homosexuals, as it was a century ago or less, when immigrants and minorities were its main victims. And it is just as familiar. Appeals to "natural law" and "intrinsic" rights and wrongs were the usual cliches deployed to justify the old-time religion of hatred then directed at African Americans, Jews, Italians, Irish and other immigrants.
It is especially alarming that this ugly nonsense is coming from Mr. Cuccinelli, who, if he becomes the attorney general of Virginia -- a job that combines aspects of chief government lawyer and top cop -- would be in a position to act on it. . . . As a lawmaker in Richmond, he has displayed contempt for non-English speakers; for those who care about global warming; and for the First Amendment. Many of his fellow Republicans regard him as occupying the far-right fringe of the party, the ultimate small tenter. The more immediate concern is this: If he is elected attorney general, Mr. Cuccinelli would drive away qualified lawyers from an office that functions as the state government's law firm, and, given his bizarre ideas,
he would very likely become an embarrassment for the commonwealth.
All well said and unfortunately 100% true. I pray that voters will grasp the far right extremism of Cuccinelli's views and that he would be a disaster for Virginia if elected. For non-Virginian readers PLEASE urge your family and friends in Virginia to get out and vote against Cuccinelli.

1 comment:

Julián said...

Cada día más sorprendido, es un autentico cuento de terror lo que vives, el nivel de intolerancia de la derecha cristiana es enfermizo, tercermundista y peligroso para los derechos humanos.

Y es muy triste que te tengas que ir de tu propio estado, solo para evitar la intolerancia y el odio, y eso VIVIMOS EN EL SIGLOS XXI!!!, en la era de internet, de las altas tecnologías, el respeto a las minorías sexuales y derechos humanos!!!, pero algunos Americanos todavían quieren vivir como en la EDAD MEDIA!!!, terrorífico.