Thursday, July 09, 2009

Study Finds Gay Brains Resemble Those of Opposite Sex

As anyone who is gay will readily admit - except for those who allow religious brainwashing and fear to smother them in self-hate - sexual orientation is not a choice no matter what the Christianists and professional Christians claim. All legitimate medical and mental health associations accept this fact and despite their claims, the "ex-gay ministries" have no statistical data to back up their conversion claims. Indeed, all they have are ex-gays for pay like John Paulk or Michael Johnston who routinely seem to get themselves caught acting anything but "cured.
"Now, yet another study - this time out of Sweden - appears to again confirm that sexual orientation has a biological basis. Which means that either God f*cked up in creating gays, or we are the way God intended us to be. And, if God is infallible as the Christianists claim, then they ought to embrace gays as God's purpose based creation. No doubt, our enemies will pretend this new study does not exist and continue their campaign of disingenuous lies. Here are some highlights about the new study via Pink News:
Swedish scientists have suggested that brains of gay people may share similar physical attributes to those of the opposite sex. . . . In this study, Ivanka Savic and Per Lindström, of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, say they believe the brains of heterosexual men and lesbians are slightly asymmetric, with the right hemisphere larger than the left. However, the brains of gay men and straight women were found to be symmetrical.
The study, which analysed the brains of 90 subjects through MRI and PET scans, also found that in connectivity of the amygdala (which is used for emotional learning), lesbians resemble straight men, and gay men resemble straight women.
Last year, another study found that the brains of gay men and women have structural and functional differences from those of their straight counterparts. . . . They found that lesbians have a "male-like" proportion and distribution of grey matter in their brain when compared with heterosexual women.
How one's brain is structured would seem to be anything but a "choice" to most rational people. But then, the anti-science and anti-knowledge Christianists are not what I'd call rational people under any definition of rational.


Unknown said...

Um, two questions Professor.

First Question:

If gay men's brains look like women's and lesbians' look like men, whose brains do bi-sexuals' look like ?

Second Question:

May I go to the bathroom ?

Unknown said...

Well, Lyndon, I guess they would look like nothing at all!

I actually think that most anti-gay christianist could care less about a biological basis for sexual orientation. They just have problems with the expression of that orientation. We should all stay in the closet and ask for forgiveness when we open the door. Forgive them for they know not what they ask.