Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Professional Christian Liars

There are those who accuse me of being "too angry" in my treatment of the professional Christian set or the bitter old men in dresses at the Vatican. I will concede that I DO have anger at times for the simple reason that these individuals and organizations knowingly ignore legitimate medical and mental health knowledge on sexual orientation and purposely work to make life a living hell for LGBT citizens. Worse yet, often their true motivation is power and/or money. Two of Jeremy Hooper's recent posts at Good as You illustrate the types of deliberate lies that make my blood boil. The first example involves the efforts of Candi Cushman at Focus on the Family who works diligently every day to spread anti-gay propaganda. Here's how Jeremy describes Ms. Cushman's efforts:
When it comes to anti-gay advocacy, this writer reserves a special ring of detestation for those who militantly push for yet another generation to be brought up in a homo-hostile world. Because since we all know that acceptance could be an easy, natural instinct if not for the outside intervention of biased guardian, it's particularly disheartening to see those who've chosen to narrowly focus their form of discrimination on those impressionable children who WANT to love and WANT to peacefully accept. And it's absolutely disgusting for me, . . .
With an unrighteous goal of seizing Anita Bryant's tried and true tired and untrue "gays recruit children" mantra and applying it to modern day, Candi spends her days toiling away at Focus on the Family's Colorado Springs headquarters, devising new and unique ways to mask a very simple idea (namely: "we simply don't care for gay people, so we don't want kids thinking such kinds of humans are okay") behind overwrought language (namely: "we want to protect children"). When there arises a program that's meant to curb school bullying, Candi jumps in to convince folks that it is the "agenda" and not the harassment that is truly unsavory.
Of course all the legitimate science confirms that no one is "recruited" to have a particular sexual orientation not to mention that one cannot change their homosexuality. The truth simply doesn't matter to folks like Ms. Cushman. Another example of the Christianist dishonesty comes from Family Research Council which regaularly fabricates its own "evidence" and "data" or totally distorts the real facts in order to support its viciously anti-gay agenda. Here's Jeremy's take on that issue:
Wanna see Family Research Council spinjob in action? Well here, check this out. This is what FRC has to say about a new poll covering New Hampshire governor John Lynch: After Gov. John Lynch (D-N.H.) betrayed voters and signed a same-sex "marriage" bill into law, some pundits suggested that the issue didn't carry the same political risk that it once did. According to a new poll, they couldn't be more wrong. In the aftermath of Lynch's marriage flip-flop, his approval ratings have plummeted.
[T]he governor, . . . still maintains a 63% approval rating. Now of course that, the key point, is never mentioned by FRC. Instead, they focus solely on his disapproval and unfavorable ratings, which even among Republicans are only at a minority 43% and 42% respectively. And then the big whopper, which is highlighted in the very link to which FRC directs its readers: Same-sex marriage actually had little to no effect on this new poll! The vast majority say it had no effect on their views.
But yet the FRC writers editorialize that "any politicians who cross voters on marriage do so at their own peril "??! They present same-sex marriage as the key issue? And they, long supporters of the most dreadfully unpopular president in American history, are chastising a governor who still maintains a fairly healthy, bipartisan favorable rating?!
The truth is that these folks are pathological liars and care nothing whatsoever for the truth. Sadly, the MSM never has the balls to take them on and challenge their lies and instead simply gives them a platform to spew untruths. Exposing liars is not anti-religion and I wish the MSM would wake up to that reality.

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