Mr. Graves has confirmed the depths of his bigotry not only against gays but also Hispanics and I suspect anyone who is not white in a letter that can be found here. In his tirade, Graves also shows his ignorance of the law when he cites the Oklahoma "crimes against nature" statute, 21. Oklahoma Statutes Sec. 886, ignoring the fact that the U. S. Supreme Court struck down the remaining sodomy statutes FIVE YEARS AGO in its ruling in Lawrence v. Texas. Mr. Graves also apparently has never heard of the concept of equal protection under the law as required by the 14th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. In short, Mr. Graves demonstrates that he cannot impartially apply the law and, therefore, should not be on the bench. Here are select highlights from his rant which evidence the typical Christianist approach of equating being gay with being a pedophile and/or diseased:
"Sexual orientation" would include pedophiles and polgamists. Does the BBC desire to protect such activity? Homosexuals practice anal sodom, defined as "the detestable and abominable crime against nature" at 21 O.S. Sec. 886, which no doubt has contributed greatly to the AIDS plague. Does the BBC desire to promote this practice?
*By including the term "ethnicity," would a judge be barred from questioning whether a person with no social security card is an illegal alien? If not, would it be "invidious discrimination" to report this to the ICE for deportation of such person? Rule 3.6 would also prohibit a judge from honoring his or her religious beliefs against homosexuality since there are numerous Biblical references condemning homosexuality. Even many non-Christian atheists object to the homosexual agenda.
All I can say is God help any litigant or criminal defendant who is non-white and/or a sexual minority that has the severe misfortune of having to appear in Judge Graves' coutroom. Based on his own statements, it is a foregone conclusion that they will not receive an impartial dispensation of justice from this bigot, who can be reached at: Oklahoma County Courthouse, 321 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City OK 73102 , (405) 713-1456.
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