Rick Scarborough, president of the conservative group Vision America, issued a news release on Wednesday blasting the ruling as "an affront to democracy.""I don't know why they don't just hang a sign outside the California Supreme Court building that says, 'Until further notice, representative government hereby suspended by court order,'" Scarborough stated."Two weeks ago, the California high court created a 'right' to homosexual marriage out of thin air," he noted. "In so doing, the majority declared unconstitutional a 2000 referendum for a statute providing that marriage in California consists only of the union of a man and a woman."
"Not only is the court saying that homosexuals must have a right they've never had before in California, but that enforcement of its edict can't wait five months for the people to be heard," he declared. "Never in the annals of judicial tyranny has an activist court made such a brazen move. "I would not be surprised if pro-family forces launch a drive to recall the justices who committed this crime against democracy," Scarborough added.
But Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council, told Cybercast News Service that he was "sharply critical" of the decision to withhold the stay."Once again, the California Supreme Court has shown contempt for the democratic process by ignoring more than 1.1 million California voters who signed petitions placing a constitutional amendment on the ballot this November," Perkins stated."Today's ruling underscores the need for passage of the marriage protection amendment," he noted. "Without the amendment's passage, the high court's ruling will have far-reaching consequences for children, the family, religious liberties, businesses and every facet of society.
Once gays achieve full civil legal rights, one has to wonder what bigots like Scarborough and Perkins will do for a living. What new minority group will become the target of their un-Christian hatred in order that the prejudiced and/or gullible can be fleeced of money?
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