Friday, May 04, 2007

Why Blog

As you can see if you read this blog, I write it more for a means of expressing myself and talking about my experience and my passion for gay rights than anything else. As my shirt indicates in the above photo, I do want to create change for gays in America.

In addition, I'd like to write a book someday about the whole experience of being in the closet for 37 years, having three kids, and then coming out and living more or less openly gay. The idea would be: here's my experience and what to do and not to do. In this country, there are so many closeted guys that did what I did - tried to be what everyone expected, rather than be me. I very much long for the day when being gay is a complete non-issue. If anyone has thoughts and comments, I'd love to hear them.


Anonymous said...

You write it, I'll be waiting in line to buy a copy!

MarcHopes said...

I would really like to know what you learned as an actor being closeted so long. I'd like to know what you learned about the inner-workings of "normal" America, and how you were able to navigate them.