Tuesday, May 26, 2015

As Candidate Josh Duggar's Dad Said Incest Should Be Punishable By Death

Just as Bobby Jindal is displaying the latest incarnation of the proclivity of GOP candidates to say and do anything to win over lunatic party primary voters, so to did serial molester Josh Duggar's father when he ran for a U.S. Senate from Arkansas, but lost in the Republican primary.  Now Duggar senior's words are coming back to haunt him now that his son Josh has admitted to the serial molestation of under age girls, including some of his sisters.  One has to wonder if Duggar senior still stands by his pronouncements that incest should carry the death penalty.  These people are beyond despicable and one can only hope that TLC flat out cancels their freak show reality show.  The New Civil Rights Movement looks at how past statements are coming back to bite the Duggars in the pharisee like asses.  Here are excerpts:
James Robert Duggar, better known as Jim Bob Duggar, the patriarch of the "19 Kids and Counting" clan, was an Arkansas State Rep. from 1999 to 2002. He then ran for the U.S. Senate, but lost in the Republican primary.

An archive of Duggar's 2002 campaign website, which Gawker just dug up, included rather powerful statements against issues like incest and rape, made probably just before the time Josh Duggar, according to police reports published by In Touch, sexually molested five girls, reportedly including family members.

"Jim Bob lost the Republican nomination for Senate to Arkansas’ incumbent Senator Tim Hutchinson," Gawker notes. "His son Josh remained very much alive and went on to molest several underage girls including some of his sisters from 2002-2003."

Like many politicians, Duggar posted his position statements to his 2002 campaign website, in a Q&A format.

"What is your abortion position, and specifically, where do you stand on rape, incest, and threat to the mother’s health?," the website asks.

"If a woman is raped, the rapist should be executed instead of the innocent unborn baby. Adoption is an option. Many couples would love to adopt and are waiting for a baby. Abortion has been and always will be the destruction of an innocent child," Jim Bob Duggar said.

"Rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes.

A capital crime is one that can result in the death penalty.

When faced with his own son's acts, Jim Bob Duggar consulted church elders, sent Josh to live with a family friend who remodeled houses, and reportedly enrolled him in a short stint of Christian counseling that had its own dubious issues, before notifying the authorities.
Have you noticed  how time and time again it is the professional Christians that seek to tell everyone else how to live who in reality have the most screwed up, dysfunctional families?  They are the last people on earth to be telling anyone else how to live their lives.  And, yes, I am loving this cycle of Karma biting the Duggars in their hypocritical asses.   Now all we need is something similar to be uncovered involving the queen of hate, Victoria Cobb of The Family Foundation. :)

P.S. Those of us in Virginia need to make sure that no one forgets that the Duggars active campaigned for Ken Cuccinelli and Mark Obenshain.  Let's hope that bites Obenshain in the ass in 2017.

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