Recently the leader of an Australian "ex-gay" leader came out and admitted that the "cure" ministries run by anti-gay
Christianists are a fraud and that "change" is not possible. Now, an "ex-gay" leader in Brazil has followed suit and come out. Worse yet, he concedes that there were same sex relationships even within the "ministry." As has been documented over and over again, the only :change" that occurs is one of behavior with ones true sexual orientation suppressed and denied. Basic underlying sexual orientation is immutable. It's a truth that the
Christofascists do not want to accept. But it doesn't make it any less the truth. I truly wish that licensing bodies would start yanking the licenses of and/or closing loop holes used by quacks who continue to peddle the
reparative therapy myth - think "Marcia"
Bachmann. Here are highlights on Sergio
Viula's belated acceptance of himself and the truth via
Flying Teapot:Founder of group that ‘heals homosexuals’ reveals: “Nobody quit being gay, there were relationships even within the group”. Nothing better than an example to rebuke the supposed efficiency of treatments to convert sexual orientation, which claim that gay people can “go” straight. The English and philosophy teacher, also a theologian, Sergio Viula, 42, born and resident in Rio de Janeiro, was one of the founders of the Movement for the Healthy Sexuality (MOSES), an evangelical NGO which helps people interested in quitting homosexuality. He got married, had two children and saw by himself the very methods of ‘sexual re-orientation’. In an exclusive interview, Sergio talked to me and showed that methods to change sexual orientation are useless, causing pain and suffering to those who are willing to go through any of them.
How was the process of “becoming ex-gay”?
- In fact, ex-gays don’t exist – it’s pure self-suggestion. I started going to church and noticed that homosexuals didn’t know how to deal with their ‘difficulties’, due to lack of orientation by their leaders, so I decided to found the Movement for the Healthy Sexuality (MOSES), with João Luiz Santolin and Liane França. That was when I started saying – at very opportune moments – that I was ex-gay.
Didn’t you ever get convinced that you had become ex-gay? Did you ever know that you were deceiving yourself?
- Today I know that I was deceiving myself. But back then, I thought that every sentiment or attraction was a mere case of ‘temptation’ and that it could be overcome with prayer and dedication to god.
Nobody really quit being gay. There were relationships even within the group, between an activity and another, they would always find time for that. Can you figure out how much suffering to myself and to all of those who have already worked or been influenced by this kind of ‘ministry’? That’s enraging! And there are people repeating that stupid discourse until today.
Religious conversion which does not admit and CELEBRATES your homosexuality does not deserve your time and talent. If you want to attend a church, search for one which is mature enough to even question the validity of its own religious statements. But, preferably, live your life without relying on existential braces whatever they are.
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