Friday, November 26, 2010

Family Research Council Deserves No Apology

More crocodile tears and shrieks of victim hood are emanation from the deliberate and vicious liars at Family Research Council Having followed FRC for over a decade, the anti-gay tirades have always gone well beyond mere statements of faith. The organization has knowingly repeated long discredited "science" - much of it tracing back to Paul Cameron's falsified "studies" - with a goal of depicting LGBT individuals (especially gay men) as diseased, a threat to children, and promiscuous to a point of being a treat to military and work place good order. For this and other things that no one would get away with if directed at blacks, Jews or Hispanics, the Southern Poverty Law Center rightly registered FRC as an anti-gay hate group.
Tony Perkins is beside himself and demanding an "apology" from SPLC. Why is he so upset? It's all about money and political influence. FRC has raked in big time money for years through its gay bashing and it has paraded itself as a conservative Christian group, which of course, it is not in reality. SPLC has merely had the balls to call FRC out for what it has always been. Perkins is terrified the money spigot may stop and that he may be relegated back to the racists backwaters of Mississippi. Here a snippet of Perkins' disingenuous shrieking and wailing:
"This is a deliberately timed smear campaign by the SPLC. The Left is losing the debate over ideas and the direction of public policy so all that is left for them is character assassination. It's a sad day in America when we can not, with integrity, have a legitimate discussion over policy issues that are being considered by Congress, legislatures, and the courts without resorting to juvenile tactics of name calling.
"Family Research Council will continue to champion marriage and family as the foundation of our society and will not acquiesce to those seeking to silence the Judeo-Christian views held by millions of Americans. We call on the Southern Poverty Law Center to apologize for this slanderous attack and attempted character assassination."
What SPLC needs to do is quote from more of FRC's bogus anti-gay "experts" like Peter Sprigg and Timothy Dailey, neither of whom have any legitimate credentials to make them experts on sexual orientation - theyof course claim sexual orientation is a choice - or social sciences. They are both in short frauds and always have been. Here are a few of the "resources" that FRC offers on the issue of homosexuality. If you doubt my analysis, check them out:
•The Top Ten Myths of Homosexuality by Peter Sprigg
•Brochure: Homosexuality in your Child's School
•Homosexuality Is Not a Civil Right by Peter Sprigg [Brochure]
•'Hate Crime' Laws: A Phony "Crisis" Intended To Suppress Free Speech by Timothy Dailey, Ph.D.
•The Other Side of Tolerance - How Homosexual Activism Threatens Liberty by Timothy Dailey, Ph.D. [Brochure]
•Getting It Straight by Timothy Dailey, Ph.D. and Peter Sprigg [Booklet]
As these titles suggest, they are much more than mere statements of allegedly good faith held religious beliefs. Their goal is to depict gays a threat to society and to foster hatred. Here are a couple of the "myths" that Herr Sprigg talks about (never mind that legitimate medical and mental health experts disagree with these views):
Myth No. 2: Sexual orientation can never change. Fact:Thousands of men and women have testified to experiencing a change in their sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Research confirms that such change does occur—sometimes spontaneously, and sometimes as a result of therapeutic interventions.
Myth No. 5: Homosexuals do not experience a higher level of psychological disorders than heterosexuals. Fact:Homosexuals experience considerably higher levels of mental illness and substance abuse than heterosexuals. A detailed review of the research has shown that “no other group of comparable size in society experiences such intense and widespread pathology.
Myth No. 6: Homosexual conduct is not harmful to one’s physical health. Fact: Both because of high-risk behavior patterns, such as sexual promiscuity, and because of the harm to the body from specific sexual acts, homosexuals are at greater risk than heterosexuals for sexually transmitted diseases and other forms of illness and injury.
Myth No. 8: Homosexuals are no more likely to molest children than heterosexuals. Fact: Sexual abuse of boys by adult men is many times more common than consensual sex between adult men, and most of those engaging in such molestation identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual.

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