Saturday, November 27, 2010

NOM Whines About SPLC Designations

While not itself as yet a registered anti-gay hate group, the folks at the National Organization for Marriage ("NOM") are acting like they have piss in their Cheerios over the SPLC designation of some of NOM's favorite gay hating allies as hate groups. NOM tries to brush off the designations as a "distraction" but in truth, they are a clear signal to NOM that if it persists in disseminating deliberate lies and untruths about LGBT citizens, it too could gain the designation. For the Christianists, nothing is more bothersome than the expectation that they comply with the Commandment against lying and bearing false witness. Indeed, based on Christianist behavior, one would think this particular Commandment did not exist. Maggie Gallagher/Brian Brown even goes so far as to say they're proud of NOM's message - a message of intolerance and the infusion of religion into the civil laws which allegedly are not supposed to establish a particular religious dogma as the official religious belief for the nation. As regular readers know, I place the self-enriching Brian Brown and Ms. Gallagher's level of integrity below that of the most tawdry whore. If they truly believed in their cause, they would not be paying themselves big salaries and shacking down the ignorant for money. Here's some of NOM's bleating over the SPLC designations:
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC) today included NOM among “18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda.” Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, reacts: “This is an absurd distraction emanating from a once-great organization’s real mission---with all the actual hate groups out there, how can Southern Poverty Law Center stoop so low?” said Brown.
“This report is not an attack on NOM but on the majority of Americans who believe that to make a marriage you need a husband and wife," said Brown. "It is also further proof of what NOM has been saying: today’s gay marriage movement is no longer about tolerance, live or let live—it’s about driving out dissenting voices from the public square.
Our battle is not with an orientation but a political movement that seeks to use the law to embed a new moral idea: there is no difference between same-sex and opposite sex couples and you’re a hater, bigot and quasi-racist if you disagree. . . . For gay marriage advocates (the majority of whom are not gay) we say: we think you are wrong, and we will fight for our right to vote for marriage in the public square,” added Brown.

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