Sunday, July 08, 2018

New Study: Only Two Thirds of Gen Z Is Straight

The findings of a new study ought to have Christofascists and their Republican political whores terrified.  Even as these extremists press their anti-LGBT agenda, the study finds that younger generations are increasingly saying that they are not exclusively heterosexual.  In the case of Generation Z - those born after 1995, a full one-third say that they are not exclusively heterosexual. It goes without saying that as this generation ages and votes more consistently, the news will not be good for the GOP which will also be facing growing numbers of non-white voters. Thanks to the Trump/Pence regime, the GOP is becoming irrevocable linked with racism and homophobia.  A piece in The Advocate.  Here are excerpts:
The youngest generation is proving to be the most tolerant and the most fluid, as same-sex couples and numerous sexual identities are given a platform in newer media and information is becoming increasingly accessible. 
Only 66 percent of young people today identify as exclusively heterosexual - which is the lowest of any generation up until this point,  according to a study from Ipsos Mori.
Baby boomers prove to have the highest percentage, with 88 percent identifying as solely heterosexual, whereas that number drops to 85 percent with Gen X, and 71 percent among millennials, the study says.
"In particular, this generation of young has grown up at a time when gender as a simple binary and fixed identity has been questioned much more widely – this is new, and will affect wider views of gender, sexuality and much broader aspects of identity," Hannah Shrimpton, one of the authors of the report, told the Daily Telegraph.
Shrimpton also said that there is "greater exposure to communications on the variety of lifestyles available to young people today through social technology.”
The study has labeled Gen Z “the liberal generation” and finds that 10 percent of the generation regards prejudice toward the LGBT community as one of the most pressing issues in the world today, as compared to only 2 percent of Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers who believe the same.
Other studies published by Ipsos Mori suggest that over 70 percent of Gen Z is comfortable with homosexual relationships, as compared to the 43 percent of Baby Boomers.
Figures from other organizations confirm Ipsos Mori’s suggestion that younger generations are more likely to either identify as LGBT or be accepting of the LGBT community, and that the percentage of the younger generation is more likely to do either continues to rise over time. 
The Ipsos Mori study also reports that young people are more likely to have a “less binary view of sexuality,” which suggests that younger generations do not feel as strong a pressure to use the label “gay” or “straight” but are comfortable with viewing sexuality as a sliding scale that they can fall somewhere in the middle of.
With popular figures such as Tessa Thompson, who came out as bi at the end of June, and Janelle Monae, who came out as pansexual earlier this year, young people have more popular figures in the media to look up who fall somewhere in between binaries when it comes to sexuality.
The GOP despite the Trump/Pence regime continues its slow moving suicide by alienating the growing and up and coming generations.  Its death cannot come soon enough.

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