Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ambrose Olson - RIP

I have featured photos of male model Ambrose Olson (pictured above) in prior "Male Beauty" posts and was greatly sadden to learn that he died last week at age 24 - some rumors say of suicide. As long time readers know, suicide is an issue that hits a bit too close to home for me since I have lost friends to suicide and have had a couple of very close encounters of my own, the last being in late September 2009. If indeed Ambrose Olson took his own life, I hope he has found peace that he obviously sought/needed. Obviously, one has to wonder what would drive someone young a beautiful to such an act, but then we never know what is in the heart and mind of others. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who loved him and who now no doubt look back and wish they had done more or done things differently. The message to be learned is that we need to live each day in the moment and love others unconditionally. We truly never know when death might take any one of us and we need to live our lives accordingly. Let those you love know how much you love them and cherish them each and every day. It is a message that I wish I had fully known many years ago.

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