Brent Bozell is really angry about the recent study examining the causes of homophobia, which found that homophobes — people who hate homosexuals — hate “the gays” maybe because they are gay, and their authoritarian parents may be largely to blame. Several other studies, too, have come to exactly the same conclusion.
Bozell . . . . discounts and denounces the new homophobia study as “intellectual intimidation and political bullying,” “laughable,” “psychobabble mumbo-jumbo,” and a “wheelbarrow full of nonsense.”
What Bozell, who, by the way just days before Christmas last year went on Fox News and called President Obama looks like “a skinny, ghetto crackhead,” doesn’t quite get is there’s a difference between a religious opposition to homosexuality — however misguided and anti-Christian that is — and virulent homophobia. Bozell is an extremist and doesn’t understand degrees.Bozell is also a board member of the Culture And Media Institute (CMI), the folks who one year ago went off the deep end over J. Crew head Jenna Lyons pink toenailed little boy. Bozell, who is also a board member of the Catholic League and owns the sleazy faux journalism site, NewsBusters, is an extremist.
No one is so hysterically anti-gay in my view unless they have serious psychological issues of their own that cause them to so loudly over react. As for Mr. Bozell, one can only wonder when he'll find himself having a "wide stance" moment or some other incident that ends his charade.
From climate change to evolution to President Obama’s birth certificate, today’s conservatives, unlike their predecessors, are in denial about a great many scientifically-proven facts. It’s called willful ignorance, and it’s killing America — and LGBT children, who are forced to see and hear anti-gay hate day in and day out.
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