A Tennessee bill meant to protect teachers who allow students to question and criticize "controversial" subjects such as evolution and climate change became law on Tuesday after Gov. Bill Haslam (R) declined to act.The state legislature had sent the bill to Haslam earlier this month. He had until Tuesday to veto it, sign it or allow it to pass without his signature.
Critics of the legislation have dubbed it the "Monkey Bill" and charge that it is anti-science, backdoor approval of the teaching of religion in schools that reminds of the state's history with the Scopes Trial.
"It would open the door to creationism, it would open the door to climate change denial, and to other sorts of pseudosciences being introduced into Tennessee classrooms," Josh Rosenau of the National Center for Science Education told The Huffington Post last month.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the American Civil Liberties Union had also pressured Haslam to reject the bill, which they believed was an unconstitutional and unwise gateway for the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public schools.
Most of the world is embracing modernity and the future even as the Christianists strive to make ignorance a principal hallmark of America. These people - and their political whores in the Republican party - continue to pose a clear and present danger to this nation.
1 comment:
And after you finish with your Creationism class, just walk across the hall where they will discuss Flat Earth Geology and the perils of sailing too far towards the horizon.
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