In case the National Organization for Marriage has not significantly proven its intent to “drive a wedge” between racial groups by “fanning hostility,” its latest action is the most detestable yet. Today, NOM’s Brian Brown announced it will be exporting its Dump Starbucks campaign — a massive failure stateside — to countries that are significantly less supportive of LGBT rights:BROWN: In our first week, we gained 25,000 pledge signers in the U.S. alone; today we go international, expanding DumpStarbucks.com campaigns into Mandarin, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, and Bahala (one of the chief languages of Indonesia). DumpStarbucks.com online ads will also start running in Egypt, Beijing, Hong Kong, the Yunnan region of China, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait.
What happens in Seattle won’t to stay in Seattle. By making gay marriage core to his brand, Starbucks CEO Howard Schulz is telling millions of customers and partners who support traditional marriage in the Middle East, China, South America and North America that they aren’t truly part of the Starbucks community.
As Joe.My.God. notes, NOM is specifically targeting countries that criminalize homosexuality, like Kuwait and Oman, and even some that punish it with the death penalty, like the United Arab Emirates. . . . Sowing such seeds of fear in countries already opposed to homosexuality extends far beyond “fanning hostility” and could foster increased hostilities against people just for the coffee they choose to drink.
For those not in the know, the pro-Starbucks effort garnered over 650,000 petition signers in contrast to NOM's paltry 25,000. For more details on NOM's viciously anti-gay agenda and the constant deliberate lies disseminated by Maggie Gallagher and NOM, check out this post at Pam's House Blend. Here's a taste:
1) In response to Richard Kim’s February, 2012 charges that Gallagher had called homosexuality a “sexual dysfunction” and that she had spoken in support of “Pray-away-the-gay” “therapy,” Gallagher lied by saying “I have not done any of those things!” and “You’ve just made up a bunch of facts that aren’t true.” In her May, 2001 article “Fixing Sexual Orientation,” however, Gallagher argues in favor of “Pray away the gay” “therapy” and calls homosexuality a “dysfunction.”
12) Gallagher lied about Massachusetts gay youth attempted suicide statistics in her October 20, 2010 article Does Gay Marriage Prevent Gay Teen Suicide? In that article, Gallagher purports to answer whether the blood of gay bullycide victims is on her hands – but then lies about the bi-annual Center for Disease Control’s Youth Risk Survey results for Massachusetts.
If Maggie Gallagher and her cohorts at NOM embody what being Christian is about, I want absolutely nothing to do with the name "Christian." How much more blood does Maggie Gallagher want on her hands?
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