With Rick "Man On Dog"
Santorum now out of the GOP presidential nomination race, the odds of large numbers of Republicans going to the polls next month in the North Carolina GOP primary are certainly reduced. That's not to say that hate groups such as
NOM won't be doing their best to turn out the knuckle dragging Bible beater set like modern day examples of Pavlov's dog. Returning to good news, two former mayors of Charlotte - North Carolina's largest city - have come out strongly against the anti-gay Amendment 1. Better yet, one of the former mayors condemning the
Christianist effort is a Republican.
Pam's House Blend has details. Here are highlights followed by a video clip:
“[Amendment One] is unnecessary and may have serious unintended consequences,” says Vinroot. Gantt adds, “And some of those consequences may harm women, children and families throughout North Carolina.”
As former mayors of the state’s largest city and national financial hub, the advertisement also features Vinroot and Gantt pointing out the economic impact of Amendment One. “It may hurt our ability to attract business and job opportunities into North Carolina,” says Vinroot. “But we do know this: if you vote against it, it won’t harm anybody.”
Protect All NC Families underscored how this joint statement against Amendment One from representatives on both sides of the political spectrum represents a trend emerging throughout the state. “This powerful new web ad illustrates the growing consensus among North Carolinians against the dangerous harms of Amendment One,” said Jeremy Kennedy, campaign manager for Protect All NC Families. “It’s remarkable how such a divisive referendum has, in turn, brought together so many people from all political stripes, personal backgrounds, and perspectives, for one common purpose: to protect our state’s families by voting against on May 8.”
People should compare and contrast the calibre of spokespeople on the anti-Amendment side in the ad below vs. what the Vote for Marriage NC people have featured in their latest ad, covered by Alvin McEwen on the Blend (Vote for MarriageNC ad filled with misrepresentations and false views) – none other than Rev. Patrick Wooden, who said “I don’t have any animus against the gay community” but in interviews has gone on at length about gay men needing diapers and using cell phones as sex toys.
1 comment:
Just watched it over on towlroad.com. Pretty good. Things like this might have some impact. Too bad it was rammed down our throats with no real opposition!
Peace <3
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