Throughout the GOP primaries one think remained an interesting constant: ultra far right GOP candidates - i.e., Rick Santorum - consistently lost the Catholic vote to less strident and theocratic candidates. The far right loves to wrap itself in religion yet embraces social policies that are the antithesis of Christ's Gospel message of social justice and charity for the poor, hungry and homeless. That's right, the very people that the Republican Party seeks to throw under the bus if not throw into the trash heap as the party pushes to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy and treat corporations as if they were people. Fitting the mold of the - at least in my view - hypocrites in the GOP leadership is Paul Ryan who recently sought to justify his draconian pro-wealthy budget based on his Catholic faith. Many Catholics were not amused, and as Politico reports some have called Ryan out. Here are highlights:
Nearly 60 progressive Catholic leaders released a statement Friday, condemning Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s assertion that his budget proposal was shaped by his Catholic faith. “When a high-profile Catholic congressman is mangling church teachings, that should be challenged,” John Gehring, Catholic Outreach Coordinator for Faith in Public Life, the organization that put together the statement, told POLITICO.
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