Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A U.S. Airman Comes Out to His Dad

By now, countless blogs and web sites have posted this You Tube video in which Airman Phillips comes out to his dad in Alabama via telephone from Germany. But in my view, it bears further promotion. Coming out to my parents was one of the hardest and most terrifying things I've ever experienced as I worried about whether they'd accept me for who I was/am or reject me. I suspect many of us share these feelings and dread when we make the fateful step of being truthful to our parents. Like Airman Phillips, I was lucky and my parents never wavered in their love and support. Sadly, not all of us are so lucky. Hence my decision to establish a scholarship for LGBT students in honor of my parents. My heart goes out to Phillips and I hope he discovers how liberating it is to be "out" and that all the energy he expended on keeping his secret can now be directed toward positive endeavors.

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