This has nothing to do with sex, as Santorum surely knows. And again, the crowd reveals itself as hateful - even when it comes to those serving their country in uniform. This is one core reason why I cannot be a Republican. So many are bigots - and no one - no one - stands up against them. They're a bunch of bullies congratulating themselves on rooting out the queers.
, to Santorum's obsession: the intrinsic evil of gay sex. Again, this is usual. Gays are used to being reduced to sexual acts rather than being seen as full human beings, like straight people, with sexuality sure, but a whole lot of other things as well.
But somehow the fact that these indignities were heaped on a man risking his life to serve this country, a man ballsy enough to make that video, a man in the uniform of the United States ... well, it tells me a couple of things. It tells me that these Republicans don't actually deep down care for the troops, if that means gay troops.
The shocking silence on the stage - the fact that no one challenged this outrage - also tells me that this kind of slur is not regarded as a big deal. . . . . Throughout Republican debates, gays are discussed as if we are never in the audience, never actually part of the society, never fully part of families, never worthy of even a scintilla of respect. When you boo a servicemember solely because he's gay, you are saying he is beneath contempt, that nothing he does or has done can counterweigh the vileness of his sexual orientation.
And then I think of all those gay servicemembers who have died for this country, or been wounded in battle, or been on tours year after year ... and the fury builds..
I have Republican friends who just cannot grasp why I can never again support the Republican Party - or at least until there is a huge turn around in the mindset of not only the Christianist hate merchants in the party but also in those who silently allow the dehumanization of others to go unchallenged. What the far right does to LGBT citizens is in my mind pure evil. And those who are willing to let evil go unchallenged are not those with whom I will associate.
I pray that the Republicans never retake the White House until DADT is a distant memory, and DOMA is also gone, lest they resurrect the bills in some other insidious form.
As to the booing, what a bunch of haters. Maybe we all need to figure out how to get sexual orientation added to the hate crimes list federally, then let them boo and we can arrest them all, which is surely better than what they want for us.
Peace <3
I have to admit, I was shocked at the crowd's reaction to the gay soldier's question in the debates. It just goes to show what a mob mentality is capable of sustaining because you know for an absolute fact, that in a crowd of that size there were homosexual and bisexual people in attendance.
But, never the less, it is wrong to paint a whole class of people with a broad brush. Andrew Sullivan is simply wrong when he says no one stands up against them.
I'm a Republican and I stand against them and I have voted against them. I'm not alone. I'm just out vocalized and out televised.
Are some Republicans guilty of the dehumanization of others? Certainly! But I've seen Democrats who are just as talented at doing the same dance.
As you don't condemn the whole Democrat Party for the dehumanizing acts of a few of their members, neither should you condemn the whole Republican Party for the dehumanizing acts of its radicals.
Radicals are a clear and present danger to this country whether they come from the Left or the Right.
It's not that I disagree with anything you've said, it would just be nice to know that in your zeal for condemning the Radical Right, you have a little disgust left over for the Radical Left too.
Jack Scott
I guess I'm harsher with the Republican because (1) I used to be a GOP activist before the Christianists took control and (2) I know one time moderate Republicans - e.g., a former City Committee chairman - who seems to have drunk the Kool-Aid or had a "Stepford Wive" transformation. These people know better and yet are allowing the patients to now run the asylum.
Yes, there are Democrat radicals. I just know them as up close and personally as many in the GOP.
If you've followed the blog for a while, I don't like extremism of any kind. And I strongly believe that the U.S. Constitution requires a separation of church and state. The Democrats get that - today's GOP does not.
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