Thursday, January 06, 2011

Why Is CNN Using Hate Groups for "Balance" On LGBT Issues

The Boston Globe - which I commented on recently for its piece on Scott Lively - is unfortunately not the only supposedly reputable news outlet that resorts to using representatives of registered hate groups in the supposed quest of being "fair and balanced" in covering LGBT issues. CNN is another such news outlet that gives the hate groups a constant platform. As noted in the post on the Globe's ass kissing of Lively, if CNN is to be consistent, then each spot on a racial civil rights issue ought to have the Klu Klux Klan as a counterpoint. GLAAD has had enough of this disingenuous bullshit and has started a petition that will be delivered to CNN demanding that this equivalent of yellow journalism cease. I encourage readers to sign the petition here. It is beyond ridiculous that individuals who would NEVER be given a venue/platform on issues of religious or racial discrimination time and time again are given a free rein on gay bashing. Particularly when the individuals represent documented hate groups with records of lies and untruths. Here are highlights from GLAAD's explanation for the petition campaign:

CNN has long been one of America's most respected journalistic organizations on many issues, but for several years, it has had a giant blind spot when it comes to issues that impact the LGBT community. On December 21, John King USA ran a segment featuring Peter Sprigg from Family Research Council, but there are countless other examples. Out of a desire for 'balance' on these issues, CNN turned - as they often do - to the anti-gay industry to provide the counterpoint. Except all too frequently, the network doesn't book these people because they provide any actual expertise or experience on issues that impact LGBT people; their only qualification is that they are anti-gay.
Sprigg's qualifications, however, came exclusively from his job at the Family Research Council. There, Sprigg has worked to advance some of the most hurtful, dangerous, and demonstrably false notions about the lives of LGBT people that our country has seen in recent years. And yet, by pairing him with Nicholson in this segment, CNN told its millions of viewers that both of these men should be seen as equally valuable to this discussion.
The media is elevating their hurtful messages and attitudes to the level of rational discourse. The media is saying that people like Alexander Nicholson, who can speak to real-life experience and firsthand facts, need to be "balanced" by people like Peter Sprigg, whose claim to fame is arguing that being gay should be outlawed. If CNN wants to interview a gay person who believes being straight should be outlawed, THEN Peter Sprigg would be an acceptable "balance."
I've signed the petition because it is far past time that CNN and other news outlets stop lending an image of credibility to those who lack ant legitimate credentials - Peter Sprigg being but one such example. I hope every reader will do so as well.

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