Part of the smoke and mirrors PR campaign against same sex-marriage by National Organization for Marriage ("NOM") is to present the false picture that NOM is a grass roots organization with widespread support. However, NOM's much belatedly released 2009 tax return indicates that five (5) donors contributed 75% of NOM's income in that tax year. Given NOM's past conduct, it's likely the 2010 return will not be forthcoming on time either. Should 2010's return mirror the pattern of 2009, it would seem that Maggie Gallagher's self-enriching operation is actually mainly a front for a small hand full of donors. So far, I've seen nothing that identifies these donors - something that may be even more telling yet. NOM has shown that it believes that it is above the campaign finance laws of a number of states and in general behaves like most Christianist groups: thinking itself above the law and entitled to special rights not available to others. Indeed, when these organizations accuse LGBT citizens of wanting "special rights," one can only assume that they must be looking in a mirror as theaccusations are made. Here are some highlights from
HRC's new page:
[T]he National Organization for Marriage today released its 2009 Form 990, the tax return they are required to submit to the IRS. . . .
The 990 shows that three wealthy donors contributed 68% of their total donations; four donors gave 73% and five donors gave 75%.*
“NOM’s reluctance to make their tax returns available publicly is par for the course in their pattern of secrecy and shadowy dealings,” said Kevin Nix, NOM Project Director for HRC.
“While NOM claims to represent a grassroots network, it’s not surprising that they’ve tried to hide the fact that they are almost entirely beholden to a few wealthy, anti-gay donors.”
Most of the $7.1 million in ’09 revenue came from a few very large donors. These donors could be individuals or corporations but their identities are not required to be disclosed publicly. According to the 990, here is how NOM’s top donations break down.
1. $2,475,000
2. $1,230,000
3. $1,100,000
4. $400,000
5. $150,000
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