With the traditional American family in near statistical free fall, homosexual activists persist in their destructive agenda. Backslapping and self congratulation at President Obama's signing of the law to overturn DADT left Bucolically informed onlookers aghast. Obama and Vice President Biden say they are rethinking their position on homosexual "marriage." Yet God's plan for marriage, family, and natural sexuality is essential to the survival of our nation.
The Senate not only used the lame duck session to overturn Don't Ask, Don't Tell (65-31 vote), it also confirmed Chai Feldblum by "unanimous consent" to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission during Christmas week. Feldblum, an open lesbian, is infamous for her view that homosexual rights trump religious liberty.
Meanwhile attacks charging FRC and other Christian groups with "hate" for holding to a Biblical view of marriage and sexuality, continues. May God's people have faith to believe that laws giving those who practice homosexuality special rights, protections and privileges can be reversed! May the Lord supernaturally intervene to do so.
As I noted here, the true Biblical standard for marriage is polygamy, not one man and one woman. But then, true "Christians" never let the true facts get in the way of their agenda.
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