The Republican Party of today is increasingly hostile to much of what the party once stood for - particularly when it comes to fiscal responsibility. In addition, the party has become so craven to the most intolerant and hate-filled elements of the
Christianists that attacks on the faith of others for mere political advantage and delay seem to be the norm. Attacks on Harry Reid's faith by GOP Senators Jon
Kyl and Jim
DeMint in response Reid's statement that he'd keep the Senate in session until January 4, 2011 (the formal end of the session) demonstrate just how cynical and nasty the GOP has become. In response to these unconscionable attacks, former GOP Congressman
Joe Scarborough - with whom I don't always agree, but who is 100% on point on this issue - had the following to say:
"It’s offensive that people would use Christianity for political leverage with an argument that is so baseless that I got to say, my breath is taken away. Do we want to start with the most obvious one about who else is not going to be home on Christmas day? Troops in Afghanistan. ... The Republican Party has the upper hand in so many ways; in these areas they need to just shut their mouth. They’re embarrassing themselves," - Joe Scarborough, in response to Jon Kyl saying Harry Reid is "disrespecting" Christians and Jim DeMint calling Reid "sacrilegious" to consider keeping the Senate in session through January 4.
While Kyl's and Demint's comments may play well with the Kool-Aid drinking set, I suspect that they will only further alienate moderates and independents.
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