1. Gays should be exported from the country;
2. The federal government must be overthrown if it allows gay marriage;
3. "Moral perverts" need to be kept out of the military;
4. There is nothing "conservative" about "one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it 'love'";
5. Homosexual behavior ought to be outlawed;
6. Gay sex ought to carry criminal penalties;
7. Gays ought to be prohibited from serving in public office;
8. Gay sex is domestic terrorism;
9. "Hitler recruited around him homosexuals to make up his Stormtroopers ... [because] homosexual soldiers basically had no limits [to] the savagery and brutality they were willing to inflict."
*1. Gays should be exported from the country;
2. The federal government must be overthrown if it allows gay marriage;
3. "Moral perverts" need to be kept out of the military;
4. There is nothing "conservative" about "one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it 'love'";
5. Homosexual behavior ought to be outlawed;
6. Gay sex ought to carry criminal penalties;
7. Gays ought to be prohibited from serving in public office;
8. Gay sex is domestic terrorism;
9. "Hitler recruited around him homosexuals to make up his Stormtroopers ... [because] homosexual soldiers basically had no limits [to] the savagery and brutality they were willing to inflict."
Pretty strong stuff and certainly far beyond mere statements of religious belief. So who do you think has signed on "in solidarity" with such statements? Not surprisingly, a veritable who's who of the extremist religious right, including a The Family Foundation here in Virginia and Virginia's , in my view, mentally disturbed Attorney General, Ken "Kookinelli" Cuccinelli and Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor who, although Jewish, can never seem to kiss enough Christian Right ass. Also standing in solidarity are a number of Focus on the Family affiliates and the following Republicans:
Senator David Vitter - (R-LA)
Senator Roger Wicker - (R-MS)
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann - (R-MN)
Speaker-designate John Boehner - (R-OH)
U.S. House of Representatives
Senator Roger Wicker - (R-MS)
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann - (R-MN)
Speaker-designate John Boehner - (R-OH)
U.S. House of Representatives
Majority Leader-elect Eric Cantor - (R-VA)
Congressman John Fleming, M.D. - (R-LA)
Congressman Trent Franks - (R-AZ)
Congressman Louie Gohmert - (R-TX)
Congressman Jeb Henserling - (R-TX)
Congressman Jim Jordan - (R-OH)
Congressman Steve King - (R-IA)
Congressman Donald Manzullo - (R-IL)
Congressman Kevin McCarthy - (R-CA)
Congressman-elect Alan Nunnelee - (R-MS)
Congressman Mike Pence - (R-IN)
Congressman Joe Pitts - (R-PA)
Congressman Peter Roskam - (R-IL)
Congressman Steve Scalise - (R-LA)
Congressman Lamar Smith - (R-TX)
tives Congressman Fred Upton - (R-MI)
Senator Jim DeMint - Senator
Virginia Ken Cuccinelli - Attorney General
Yes, the list includes the ever teary eyed Mr. Boehner among those members of Congress who don't give a rat's ass about the U.S. Constitution's guaranty of freedom of religion for ALL citizens, not just a certain brand of Kool-Aid drinking Christians. As such, ALL of the signatories ought to resign from office because they clearly are not supporting and upholding the U. S. Constitution.
Congressman John Fleming, M.D. - (R-LA)
Congressman Trent Franks - (R-AZ)
Congressman Louie Gohmert - (R-TX)
Congressman Jeb Henserling - (R-TX)
Congressman Jim Jordan - (R-OH)
Congressman Steve King - (R-IA)
Congressman Donald Manzullo - (R-IL)
Congressman Kevin McCarthy - (R-CA)
Congressman-elect Alan Nunnelee - (R-MS)
Congressman Mike Pence - (R-IN)
Congressman Joe Pitts - (R-PA)
Congressman Peter Roskam - (R-IL)
Congressman Steve Scalise - (R-LA)
Congressman Lamar Smith - (R-TX)
tives Congressman Fred Upton - (R-MI)
Senator Jim DeMint - Senator
Virginia Ken Cuccinelli - Attorney General
Yes, the list includes the ever teary eyed Mr. Boehner among those members of Congress who don't give a rat's ass about the U.S. Constitution's guaranty of freedom of religion for ALL citizens, not just a certain brand of Kool-Aid drinking Christians. As such, ALL of the signatories ought to resign from office because they clearly are not supporting and upholding the U. S. Constitution.
It would be nice to see main stream media news anchors and commentators asking these elected officials on camera why and how they justify supporting hate groups. Maybe Tom Brokaw will give it a try since he seems to want to give a free pass to groups like FRC.
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