Monday, December 13, 2010

GOP Congressman: Whites Will Lose Freedom if DREAM Act Passes

It is amazing how outright racist some within the GOP have become. It's to the point where they don't even speak in code words anymore. A case in point is Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) who seems to be inviting a race war with some of his inflammatory statements. Rohrabacher sees Hispanics as an evil threat and wants conservative media to "Please alert the people, if Americans aren’t alerted to this, we’re going to lose our freedom and we know it’s in jeopardy." So besides hating gays, non-Christians, and blacks, the GOP base seems to want an open season on Hispanics as well. It's yet another example of the "family values" party becoming something horrid indeed. Think Progress has coverage of Rohrabacher's racist insanity. Here are highlights:
In their efforts to bring down the DREAM Act, which would give children of undocumented immigrants who complete college or volunteer for the military a path to citizenship, conservatives have been smearing the bill as “backdoor amnesty” for undocumented immigrants and claiming it creates a loophole for terrorists. Unfortunately, many of their attacks have also taken on racial undertones.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) . . . . took to the House floor Wednesday to warn that voting for “the Affirmative Action Amnesty Act,” as he dubbed DREAM, will “relegate the position of non-minority American citizens to behind those who are now in this country illegally.”
Appearing on Radio America with Greg Corombus yesterday, Rohrabacher expanded on the dangers to white people of DREAM, explaining that the “real zinger” is that it puts minorities “ahead of every American child who’s not a minority.”
Of course, the DREAM Act is not amnesty, nor is it affirmative action, and it is certainly not a measure to oppress white people. The bill extends conditional legal status for five years to young people who are upstanding citizens and in this country illegally by not fault of their own. It will also help enforce immigration laws, reduce the deficit, and strengthen the military, but that doesn’t seem to matter to Rohrabacher.
What truly takes the cake on this bigotry is the fact that, if Rohrabacher is typical of the GOP members of Congress, he probably pats himself on the back for being a "Godly Christian" - even as he preaches hate and discord.

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